lokapāla, in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, any of the guardians of the four cardinal directions. They are known in Tibetan as ’jig-rtenskyong, in Chinese as t’ien-wang, and in Japanese as shi-tennō. The Hindu protectors, who ride on elephants, are Indra, who governs the east, Yama the south, Varuṇa the west, and Kubera the north. Kubera, also referred to as Vaiśravaṇa, is common to both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The other Buddhist lokapālas are Dhṛtarāṣṭra (east), Virūḍhaka (south), and Virūpākṣa (west).
The four are mentioned in the earliest Buddhist writings as participating in all the important events of the Buddha’s life. They received him at his birth, held up the hooves of his horse when he left the palace to renounce the world, and offered him four bowls of food that miraculously became one bowl following his fast under the Bo tree. The four became popular deities in Tibet, China, and Japan, as well as among the southern Hīnayāna Buddhists, though only Kubera is worshipped singly. They are usually depicted fully armed, standing on demons.
In India Kubera is called king of the yakṣas and is shown coloured yellow, holding a banner in the right hand and a mongoose in the left. In China he is called To-wen (in Japan, Bishamon; in Tibet, Rnam-thos-sras) and symbolizes autumn.

The guardian of the east, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, in India is known as the king of the celestial musicians, the gandharvas. He is coloured white and has as his symbol a stringed instrument. In China he is called Ch’ih-kuo (in Japan, Jikoku; in Tibet, Yul-’khor-bsrung) and is associated with summer.
The guardian of the south, Virūḍhaka, in India is king of the giant kumbhaṇḍas (pot-bellied gnomes). He is coloured blue or green and carries a sword. In China he is called Tseng-chang (in Japan, Zōchō; in Tibet, ʿPhags-skyes-po) and symbolizes spring.
The guardian of the west, Virūpākṣa, in India commands the serpents (nāgas). He is coloured red and has as his symbol a small shrine, or a jewel, and a serpent. In China he is called Kwang-mu (in Japan, Kōmoku; in Tibet, Klu) and is associated with winter.