Sociological theories
- On the Web:
- UCL Discovery - Do You Believe in Magic? (PDF) (Jan. 25, 2025)
Another line of theorists, including sociologists Durkheim and Mauss, widened the discussion by defining magic in terms of its social function. In The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life (1912), Durkheim argued that magical rites involved the manipulation of sacred objects by the magician on behalf of individual clients; the socially cohesive significance of religious rites proper (by priests) was therefore largely lacking. Durkheim’s views were furthered by A.R. Radcliffe-Brown in the The Andaman Islanders (1922) and to a lesser extent by Malinowski in Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922) and Magic, Science and Religion (1925). Radcliffe-Brown posited that the function of magic was to express the social importance of the desired event, while Malinowski regarded magic as directly and essentially concerned with the psychological needs of the individual.
Subsequent studies of the working of systems of magic, especially in Africa and Oceania, built upon the work of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown along with that of Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard in Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande (1937). In his seminal book, Evans-Pritchard demonstrated that magic is an integral part of religion and culture used to explain events that cannot otherwise be understood or controlled. The Zande of South Sudan accept magic, together with witchcraft and oracles, as a normal part of nature and society. These phenomena form a closed logical system, each part of which buttresses the other and provides a rational system of causation.
Psychological theories
These anthropological and sociological approaches focused on magic as a social phenomenon, but the role of individual psychology was implicit in the views of Tylor and Frazer and brought out more in the work of Malinowski, who frequently offered psychological explanations for belief in magic. Sigmund Freud’s influential view of magic as the earliest phase in the development of religious thought (Totem and Taboo, 1918) followed Frazer’s model and posited an essential similarity between the thought of children, neurotics, and “savages.” According to Freud, all three assumed that wish or intention led automatically to the fulfillment of the desired end. This reductionist view, based on outmoded notions about "primitive" cultures, was revised as the result of new field research. Although Claude Lévi-Strauss also initially equated these three groups, he later modified this view in his analysis of the work of Mauss, which focuses on the structural linguistics of terms such as mana that are deployed in the study of magic. His work, therefore, laid the foundation for later deconstructions of the concept of magic.
Comparative religions
The rise of the study of comparative religion led to new theories that accounted for both world religions and localized belief systems. The work of Eliade, including his study of shamanism, is an important and influential example of this approach, as is that of Ninian Smart, who devised a seven-dimensional (experiential, mythic, doctrinal, ethical, ritual, social, and material) worldview analysis for cross-cultural comparison that can be applied to different belief systems, whether called magic or religion. Likewise, Judaic scholar Jacob Neusner suggested the neutral rubric "modes of rationality" to avoid pejorative comparisons between systems of thought otherwise classified as magic, religion, science, or philosophy. The broader base established by the comparative religions approach avoids the difficulties of distinguishing urban literate from nonurban nonliterate societies and the perils of the magic-religion-science progression.
Postmodern dialogue
Postmodern scholarship continues to challenge older anthropological notions. The work of such anthropologists as Victor Turner (1920–83), Clifford Geertz, and Marshall Sahlins has had a wide impact on the social sciences and humanities. Central to the challenge to the traditional magic-religion-science paradigm was Magic, Science, Religion, and the Scope of Rationality (1990), in which Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah deconstructs the European history of the progress model and the work of anthropologists from Tylor forward. Other anthropologists have questioned the model of the rise and decline of magic in European thought articulated in Keith Thomas’s groundbreaking Religion and the Decline of Magic (1971), a study of early modern England, and Valerie Flint’s The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe (1991). Notably, anthropologist Hildred Geertz challenged Thomas’s universalized conceptions of religion and magic, and scholars have questioned the rise and fall model by suggesting that the terminology is culture-specific and the historical circumstances much more complex than the simple pattern presented. These cross-disciplinary debates, along with the rejection of the Western magic-religion-science paradigm, have contributed to more sensitive treatments of magical practices in diverse societies.