Historical and cross-cultural development of names
- Related Topics:
- eponym
- aptronym
- systematic name
- proper name
- place-name
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Legal aspects of naming
While place-names are considered a public matter, personal names also seem to be getting more regimented by various laws and regulations. The United Kingdom and the United States are practically the only countries that adhere to the principle of Roman law that a person has the right to use and change his name as he pleases, except for fraudulent purposes. The first important regulation concerning given names was the decision of the Council of Trent (1563), which specified that the Roman Catholic priest administering baptism should make certain that children are given names of Catholic saints; if the parents were to insist on another name, the priest should administer baptism in that name but add the name of a saint as the second baptismal name. This regulation, still a valid part of Canon Law, was directed against the Protestant custom (spreading at that time) of giving children names of important persons from the Old Testament otherwise unconnected with Christianity (e.g., Abraham, Samuel, Rachel). In this respect the regulation was successful in Catholic countries, but it did not succeed in stopping the use of given (baptismal) names like Cesare in Italy (from Latin Caesar).
The next important law was passed in France. The French Revolution first gave complete freedom in naming; the result was some very fanciful given names like Mort aux Aristocrates, Racine de la Liberté, or even Café Billard. To stop this, a law was passed in 1803 that restricted given names to “names of persons known from ancient history” and “names used in various calendars.” Again, the law was successful in its main intention; in addition, it prevented the spread of controversial given names such as Marat and Robespierre and of literary names such as Aramis, d’Artagnan, and Romeo. Very reasonably, the law never was interpreted too narrowly, so that feminine given names such as Jeanette and Henriette, for example, have been admitted, though they were not legal because no calendar contains them. This law is still valid in France.
Similar laws were passed, at various times, in eastern European countries and in certain neighbouring Central Asian states, where the given name can be chosen only from names known and established as such, the exact formulation varying from country to country. Catholic names are commonplace in Lithuania, whereas Muslim and other names are used in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, sometimes without any ecclesiastical association whatsoever. In the Caucasus there are given names such as Soslan and Dzerassa, drawn from Caucasian mythology.
In regard to family names, the most important regulation was made at the Council of Trent (1563): it was decreed that every parish must keep complete registers of baptisms, with the names of the child and those of his parents and grandparents. This had been done before but not so systematically. The new practice (soon followed in Protestant parishes) helped to establish the family names. There is not much legislation concerning family names, because two basic assumptions are made: that the bride will accept the bridegroom’s family name by marriage and that their children will automatically have the family name of the parents.
Combined names—as under the German law permitting the bride to add her original family name to her new one in a hyphenated form (Inka Schmidt, when married to Karl Neumann, may become Inka Neumann-Schmidt) or the practice in outstanding British families of combining the family names of the married couple in a hyphenated form (Beatrix Curzon and Frederic Cholmondeley become Beatrix and Frederic Cholmondeley-Curzon)—are rare.
In the majority of cases, the law is concerned with family names mainly in cases of divorce, adoption, and illegitimacy. After a divorce, the wife is usually eventually allowed to reassume her maiden name and in Germany, for example, can be forced to do so if she is judged to be the guilty party and her former husband so desires. In adoption procedures, either the family name of the adopting persons is accepted or a hyphenated form is created. A child born out of wedlock usually receives the family name of its mother.
In many parts of Europe, legislation or habit have changed the basic assumptions concerning the family name, and a different situation has developed. When a Czech woman, Anna Klímová, for example, marries a Josef Novák, both may retain their original family names, or the wife may become Anna Nováková or, more remarkably, the husband may become Josef Klíma, accepting the wife’s family name. This must be decided by mutual agreement, and their children’s names also are agreed upon in this way. The purported reason for this legislation is the full equality of women. (There is, however, one loophole in the system—namely, the Russian patronymic, which is automatically derived from the father’s name, whereas equality understood in this way would demand a choice between the father’s or the mother’s name.) In Spain the married woman normally retains her maiden name.