The naming process
- Related Topics:
- nickname
- eponym
- aptronym
- personal name
- proper name
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One of the most important elements of the naming process concerns the meaning and associations of the name. In this case the term meaning is radically different from that in the case of common nouns, in which the “meaning” is their ability to be used in reference to a class of entities, to denote or designate them. As was noted above, the absence of this ability to refer to a class of entities is typical of a name. If the meaning of a typical common noun, such as automobile, is considered, it can be seen that it denotes a certain type of vehicle. On the other hand, if the word automobile itself is considered, one can see that it consists of a Greek element, auto ‘self,’ and a Latin one, mobilis ‘movable,’ so that the sum of the meanings of the constituent parts of the word suggests a gloss like “self-movable,” “self-mover.” The meaning of a name involves that which the constituent parts suggest. In this sense, the meaning of a name like Red River is obvious. To get a meaning of a name like Philip, however, one must go back to its original Greek version, Philippos, which means “lover of horses.” This meaning of names frequently gets lost, however. There are several causes for this, one being that the name may be accepted into another language, as were the Indian place-names in America (e.g., Oshkosh, Chicago, Kankakee) and the Greek and other names transferred to Europe and America via Christianity. In addition, names may cease to be understood as a result of language change; e.g., the place-name Birmingham was understandable in Old English as “habitation of Biorma’s people,” and the originally Germanic name Gerard was once understood as “strong spear” (Ger-hardo). Names also changed by shortening (e.g., Los Angeles, from El Pueblo de la Reyna de los Angeles, “Town of the Queen of the Angels,” the town named in honour of the Virgin Mary) and by scribal error (e.g., Pria in France, a misread medieval abbreviation of Pradaria, “Meadow”). Another cause of the loss of meaning in names is that the meaning simply fades out by constant use of the word as a name. No one thinks of the meaning “ford for oxen” when speaking about Oxford, and no one realizes a discrepancy if Mr. White has a dark complexion. Finally, it sometimes happens that a name has no particular meaning from the beginning. For instance, the place-name Tonolo and the family name Bréal were created from random sequences of sounds.
Choice of personal names
Names that have no meaning (above all not for the person who chooses the name) still can have associations. Although “Mary” and “John” may have no specific meaning, they were the names of important persons in the Christian religion and therefore have been used very frequently. An association may be so strong that it overwhelms the meaning of a name, even a disagreeable meaning; e.g., the association with the cult of St. Demetrios made the name Demetrios one of the most popular in the Greek Orthodox Church, though its meaning is “belonging to [the pagan goddess] Demeter.” On the other hand, such an association may more or less completely fade out and be combined with or replaced by other associations, such as a national tradition (Patrick in Ireland, Yves in Brittany, István in Hungary, Ivan in Russia) or with a family tradition (Louis in the Bourbon family, Wilhelm among the Hohenzollerns, Henry in the Ford family). On a less-elevated level, there is the example of a rich uncle making a given name more than eligible. A name can be associated, correctly or not, with various prestige factors, or its choice may be influenced simply by fashion. Another source of names, often extraordinary ones, was the occasional habit in Roman Catholic countries of giving a child the name of the patron saint whose day of celebration coincides with the child’s day of birth (or baptism); many names like Hyacinthus X, or Narcissus Y, were produced in this way.
In the majority of cases, children are given “good,” likable, and propitious names. In some cultures (e.g., in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa, formerly in China, and sporadically in ancient Greece), however, the children are (or were) sometimes given “bad” names with meanings like “ugly,” “disagreeable,” or “crippled.” The purpose of such names, which are called apotropaic names, is to make the child undesirable to demons.
The choosing of a given name is a highly private and individual matter. All the circumstances just mentioned can be motives for the choice, in addition to many other personal reasons, such as a consideration for the relatives’ names or a simple liking of the phonetic shape of a given name. This wish to give a likable name may go so far that a sequence of sounds is chosen that sounds pleasant to the person who makes the choice but that has no relation to the existing stock of names or to the words of the language; e.g., “Golly” was invented as a name of a girl and has no “meaning” or associations. This phenomenon is relatively common in the United States.
Choice of place-names
Place-names are less personal, less intimate, and a matter of public concern. The usual pattern is that the national Ministry of the Interior (or its equivalent) keeps an official list of place-names, particularly of place-names that form administrative units, together with lists of districts, counties, and the like. This function may also be performed by the ministry or agency that supervises the postal service. Bodies endowed with authority provide or choose new place-names if there is a need to create them on a greater scale—e.g., the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.

International cooperation (performed above all by the Universal Postal Union) is necessary because names of identical places may vary from language to language. Particularly difficult are place-names originally written in scripts other than the Latin (Roman) one (the official script of the Universal Postal Union), such as Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, and the Indic writing systems. But, even within the Latin script, there are two basic types of difficulties. First, one place can have different names (or modifications of a name) in various languages—e.g., French Nice and Italian Nizza; German München, English and French Munich, and Italian Monaco. A very difficult situation arises when a place is generally better known by its international name than by its original one; e.g., Dublin is Baile Átha Cliath in Irish. Confusion may also be caused by names that are translated; e.g., the Rocky Mountains are in German Felsengebirge and in Russian Skalistye Gory. There are also names with the same written form but with varying pronunciations; e.g., for Paris, the accent, pronunciation of vowels, and pronunciation of consonants change from French to German to English.
The second difficulty involves the actual printing of all the letters with diacritical marks that are necessary for different alphabets of the Latin script. Because many printing firms lack the various marks, some possibly confusing omissions or modifications can hardly be avoided; e.g., the dot over the I in Turkish İstanbul and the bar through the l in Polish Kołobrzeg are frequently omitted. International cooperation is also necessary and is developing in connection with the choice of place-names in outer space, particularly on the surface of the Moon.