nuncupative will
Also known as: oral will
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In inheritance: Formalities of wills
A nuncupative (orally declared) will is exceptionally admitted in some jurisdictions in emergency situations, such as those of the soldier on active war duty, the sailor on board ship, or a person finding himself in immediate danger of death.
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type of will
- In will
…an oral will, called a nuncupative will, valid only in certain jurisdictions, but otherwise often upheld if it is considered a death-bed bequest.
Read More - In property law: Wills
…formalities, and oral wills (nuncupative wills) at least of certain types of property may be valid if made under certain circumstances, such as when the testator is dying. The nuncupative will is related to, though conceptually distinct from, the causa mortis gift, a device that exists in most Anglo-American…
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