Medieval doctrines
- Key People:
- Benedict de Spinoza
- Pierre Leroux
- Related Topics:
- acosmism
- immanence
- nature mysticism
- panentheism
- monism
Though Scholasticism, with its doctrine of a separate and absolute God, was the crowning achievement of medieval thought, the period was, nonetheless, not without its pantheistic witness. Largely through Jewish and Christian mysticism, an essentially Neoplatonic pantheism ran throughout the age.
The only important Latin philosopher for six centuries after St. Augustine was John Scotus Erigena. Inasmuch as, in his system, Christ’s redemptive sacrific helps to effect a Neoplatonic return of all beings to God, Erigena can be said to have turned Neoplatonism into a Christian drama of fall into sin and redemption from its power. When Erigena said that, even in the stage of separation from God, God in his superessentiality is identical with all things, he advanced beyond a strictly Neoplatonic pantheism to some stronger form of immanentistic or monistic pantheism.
In the two principal writings of the esoteric Jewish movement called the Kabbala, known for its theosophical interpretations of the Scriptures, a mystically oriented system of 10 emanations is presented. A Spaniard, Avicebrón, a Jewish poet and philosopher, similarly presented a Neoplatonic scheme of emanations. And in Spain, Averroës, the most prominent Arabic philosopher of the period, represented an Aristotelian tradition that is heavily overladen with Neoplatonism. For Averroës, the active intellect in a human being is really an impersonal divine reason, which alone lives on when that person dies.
The German Meister Eckhart, probably the most significant of philosophical mystics, developed a markedly original theology. From his Stoic pantheism there arose his most controversial thesis—that there resides in every person a divine, uncreated spark of the Godhead, making possible both a union with God and a genuine knowledge of his nature. But Eckhart also distinguished between the unmanifest and barren Godhead and the three Persons who constitute a manifest and personal God. Thus, the system has similarities to both Stoic and Neoplatonic pantheism.
Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, whose broad scholarship and scientific approach anticipated the coming Renaissance, continued the tradition into the 15th century. The “learned ignorance,” in which an individual separates himself from every affirmation, can have positive results, in Nicholas’ view, because each human being is a microcosm within the macrocosm (or universe), and the God of the macrocosm is thus mirrored in all of his creatures. He also held that, in reference to God, contradictions are compatible—his “coincidence of opposites” doctrine, in which God is at once all extremes. Clearly, Nicholas wished to ascribe to God both the categories of transcendence and those of immanence without distinction. But in fact he displayed some preference for the categories of the absolute, insisting, for example, that the creatures of the world can add nothing to God since they are merely his partial appearances. Despite this bias toward absolutism, and even to acosmism, Nicholas can be appropriately viewed as espousing an identity of opposites pantheism.
Pantheism and panentheism in modern philosophy
Renaissance and post-Renaissance doctrines
The humanism of the Renaissance included an enlarged interest in Platonism and in its historical carrier, Neoplatonism, as well as influences from Aristotle and from Kabbalistic sources. The view of humanity as a microcosm of the universe was widespread. Marsilio Ficino, one of the first leaders of the Florentine Academy, found the image and reflection of God in all human beings and anticipated the divinization of humanity and the entire cosmos. The humanist and syncretistic philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, also a leading figure in the Academy, substituted for creation a Neoplatonic emanation from the divine.
The most famous scholar of the Italian Renaissance was Giordano Bruno. Combining Copernican astronomy with Neoplatonism, Bruno thought of the universe as an infinite organism with monads as its ultimate constituents and world-systems as its parts. The universe, he held, is in a continual process of development and is infused with the divine life. Accepting Nicholas of Cusa’s doctrine of the identity of opposites, he taught that contradictory ascriptions apply equally to God in particular and that claims concerning his immanence and transcendence are equally valid. More open to the categories of relativity than Nicholas, Bruno, however, exemplified a neatly balanced instance of identity of opposites pantheism.
The next great innovator of mystical religious thought was Jakob Böhme, who, in developing the concept of the divine life, took a decisive step beyond mere absoluteness. God goes through stages of self-development, he taught, and the world is merely the reflection of this process. Böhme anticipated Hegel in claiming that the divine self-development occurs by means of a continuing dialectic, or tension of opposites, and that it is the negative qualities of the dialectic that human beings experience as the evil of the world. Even though Böhme, for the most part, stressed absoluteness and relativity equally, his view that the world is a mere reflection of the divine—apparently denying self-development on the part of creatures—tends toward acosmic pantheism.
In the 17th century the foremost pantheist was a Jewish rationalist, Benedict de Spinoza, whose training in the history of philosophy included both medieval Jewish philosophy and the Kabbala. He championed a rational rather than a mystical pantheism, so much so that all that remained of mysticism, in fact, was his concept of the intellectual love of God. The rationality of the system is suggested by Spinoza’s argument that, since God is the infinite being, he must be identical with the world; for otherwise, God-and-world would be a greater totality than God alone. Also, since God is a necessary being and is identical with the world, the world must also be necessary in all its parts. It follows from this that human freedom is an impossible idea; and the sense that a human being has of such freedom is based on his ignorance of the causes that have determined him. Spinoza distinguished between God and the world in three ways: first, by stressing God’s activity in the active sense of natura naturans (“the nature that [creates] nature”; i.e., God) compared to the passive sense of natura naturata (“the nature that [is created as] nature”; i.e., the world); second, he related God to eternity and the world to time; and third, he distinguished God as self-existing substance, the whole, from the world, which he conceived as the attributes and modes of that substance. In terms of the present classification, Spinoza represents a monistic pantheism tending toward absolutism.
Goethe, the incomparable German litterateur, claimed that he was a follower of Spinoza. In fact, however, his beliefs were rather different inasmuch as Goethe championed human individuality; opposed mechanical necessity; and held a hylozoistic, or vitalistic, position in which nature was organic, a living unity. His personalistic pantheism mixes hylozoistic and Stoic types with a touch of relativism added to the mixture.
Nineteenth-century doctrines
During the 19th century, pantheism and panentheism were sustained by various kinds of idealism that developed during the period. In these systems the categories of relativity gained in prominence; God was conceived as entering history and as being more intimately related to processes of change and development.