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- definition
- In affix
…three main types of affixes: prefixes, infixes, and suffixes. A prefix occurs at the beginning of a word or stem (sub-mit, pre-determine, un-willing); a suffix at the end (wonder-ful, depend-ent, act-ion); and an infix occurs in the middle. English has no infixes, but they are found in American Indian languages,…
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- In affix
use in
- American Indian languages
- In North American Indian languages: Grammar
…subject are commonly marked by prefixes or suffixes—e.g., Karuk ni-’áhoo ‘I walk,’ nu-’áhoo ‘he walks.’ In some languages, an affix (prefix or suffix) can simultaneously indicate the subject and the object that it acts on—e.g., Karuk ni-mmah ‘I see him’ (ni-‘I.him’), ná-mmah ‘he sees me’ (ná-‘’).In nouns, possession is…
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- In North American Indian languages: Grammar
- Athabaskan languages
- In Athabaskan language family
…single verb may contain many prefixes. Moreover, groups of verb prefixes with the same meaning may not necessarily be adjacent to each other in a verb word. For example, the Witsuwit’en verb wec’ontəzisyin’ ‘I’m not going to pick berries’ contains three prefix sequences: we-s-’ negative (wec’ontəzisyin’), u-yin ‘pick berries’ (wec’ontəzisyin’),…
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- Romance languages
- In Romance languages: Morphology
Prefixing of modifying elements remains frequent in all languages (Italian autostrada ‘highway,’ Spanish contraveneno ‘antidote,’ French photocopie ‘photocopy’), although some older prefixes may hardly be recognized as such today. The “repetitive” verbal prefix re- remains particularly active (Romanian răpune ‘to kill,’ Italian ricattare ‘to recover,’…
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- South American Indian languages
- In South American Indian languages: Grammatical characteristics
…use many suffixes and some prefixes like Arawakan and Panoan. Also very numerous are those languages having few prefixes and suffixes, such as Ge, Carib, or Tupian. Languages employing only prefixes to show grammatical distinctions have not been reported. There are a few with many prefixes but still more suffixes…
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- In South American Indian languages: Grammatical characteristics
- Tibeto-Burman languages
- In Tibeto-Burman languages: Prefixes
Prefixes are of primary importance for Sino-Tibetan reconstruction, though they have left only the most indirect traces in Chinese. Sinologists are increasingly becoming aware of the possibility that a complex system of prefixes may account for morphological alternations within Chinese word families and for…
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