Functional phototypesetters
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- typography
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A second generation of phototypesetters consists of functional machines that are analogous neither in structure nor in operation to typesetters using lead. Outwardly they resemble metal chests comparable to office furniture. Their design aims at reducing mechanical parts, inertia, and friction to the minimum. Their technical characteristics vary according to model, use, and cost.
The keyboard, which is hardly more complex than that of an ordinary typewriter, can be attached or separated; in the latter case, information regarding the text to be composed is inserted by perforated tape. Computer units can be integrated, either merely to direct the machine’s operations or to ensure completion of the justification process, division of words, and correction, whether from the adjoining keyboard or from a continuous perforated tape. Selection of the matrix image of each character can be done either by using a mobile support for the matrices (plastic tape, disk, drum) in front of a fixed source for the beam of light or by using a mobile beam of light in front of a fixed support for the matrices (glass or plastic plate); alignment of type pieces is carried out in either case by mobile prisms or mirrors.
In addition to enlargement or reduction, the optical apparatus can be designed to carry out special effects, such as converting roman to italic type or stretching a line to make it longer or higher. The photographically composed text can be delivered either on paper or on film, in positive or negative, or in straight reading or reverse reading. The source of light is usually an electronic flash the intensity of which can, if necessary, be made proportionate relative to enlargement or reduction.
Some of the characteristics of phototypesetters are outlined below.
Linofilm (new method): The matrices of the 88 characters in a set are inscribed on a plate of glass that remains stationary during composition. The character is chosen by the shutter of the photographic lens. This shutter consists (as in a commercial camera) of very thin, overlapping metal blades, eight in number. Instead of always opening at the same point at the moment of exposure, it opens facing the desired character, each being set in position by an electromagnet so as to obtain this arrangement. After passing through the matrix of the character thus chosen, the beam of light is taken over by one of the 88 small lenses arranged behind the plate of glass and its trajectory directed towards a mirror mounted on an undercarriage, which carries out the alignment on the sensitive film.
Using this very light electromagnetic mechanism, the Linofilm can produce up to 12 exposures per second, or 43,000 symbols per hour. Eighteen matrix plates arranged in a turret magazine are instantaneously usable, producing 1,584 characters. Three matrix plates are enough to photograph the same type face in 16 sizes, from six to 36 points.
Diatronic, a phototypesetter made in Germany with an adjoining keyboard, uses matrix plates with 126 symbols. Selection is made after the beam of light has passed through all the symbols on the plate, through prisms which take up the position necessary to retain only the light coming from the matrix of the chosen character.
Photon-Lumitype was the first phototypesetter to introduce the selection and photographing of the character in a rapid circular movement without interrupting continuity.
The matrices are inscribed in concentric circles on a disk that revolves continuously at 10 revolutions per second in front of an electronic flashtube whose light lasts a few millionths of a second for each character. Selection is by means of a system of rotary contact makers, controlled by the telegraph system. A nylon drum is integrated with the matrix disk and turns with it in the same movement; the drum is encircled with as many tracks as there are channels in the binary code used to define the characters. These tracks are the transmitting and isolating elements that pass under a row of electric sensors. A special combination of transmitting and isolating elements corresponds to each character matrix positioned ready to be photographed.
Whether by striking a keyboard or by perforating a tape, selecting a given character consists of the precise formulation of the combination that establishes the electrical contact and initiates the flash of light. This selection can be acted on only at the precise moment when, as the disk revolves, the matrix of the desired character moves into position to be photographed.
Whether textual information is fed into the machine on an adjoining keyboard (as on the early Linotypes) or on a keyboard directly connected to the photographic unit or whether it is done on perforated tape, this information is in every instance preserved, line after line, in a memory, formerly mechanical but magnetic on the later models, which at the same time permits calculation of the size of the spaces between the words and ensures that the character’s binary signal is presented during the 1/10-second period of time available.
It is possible to attain a production speed of 10 symbols per second, or, theoretically, about 36,000 per hour; in practice the figure averages less.
Each of the eight concentric circles on the matrix disk contains two complete sets of 90 characters, which can be filmed in 12 sizes, from five to 72 points. In other words, a total of 17,280 characters are immediately available.
Another Photon-Lumitype model operates on the same principle, but the disk is replaced by a drum revolving 30 times per second around an axis that coincides with the source of light. The type matrices are inscribed in negative on two films carried on the surface of the drum, and the source of light consists of two electronic flashtubes, one for the upper, the other for the lower half of the drum.
This model’s total capacity in characters (four complete sets and eight ratios of enlargement or reduction) is three times smaller, but its speed of composition is three times faster: it can attain 80,000 symbols per hour.
By putting the same films of type matrices in the upper and the lower part of the drum—that is, by cutting in half the number of characters stored—speed of production can be raised to 120,000 symbols per hour.
Europa-Linofilm is similar in design to the Photon-Lumitype just described, with a permanently revolving drum but with an electric type-matrix selection system. These matrices are small individual plates bearing not only the negative image of the letter or symbol but also a series of transparent marks whose arrangement constitutes its binary identification code. In the revolving drum this coded part of the plates passes in front of a scanner made up of a series of photoelectric cells. As soon as the scanner picks up a coincidence between the code of the type matrix and the code of the character selected for composition, it activates the shutter release of the electronic flash.
The Europa-Linofilm drum is composed of four superimposed levels, each containing 120 duplex type matrices—for example, with the same letter in both roman and italic—easily interchangeable in order, since their identification is not linked to their place.
Photon-Lumizip is based on a different principle. The performance speed of drum phototypesetters can hardly be increased because of the technical problems posed by the rapid rotation of the drum. To increase speed, the Lumizip abandoned rotary movement. The type matrices are stationary and are aligned in negative on a large-sized plate. There is an individual electronic flash behind each type matrix. The sensitive film is stationary while a line is being composed. The only moving element is the component of the lens placed between the plate and the film, which carries out a rectilinear to-and-fro movement, parallel to them. The flashtube situated behind a given matrix emits its beam of light each time that the component of the lens finds itself, in the course of its to-and-fro movement, in the axis that joins this matrix to the position where the letter to which it corresponds is to appear in the line to be composed on the sensitive film. Thus, the order in which the characters are photographed is neither that in which they appear in the text nor that of the matrices on their plate but that determined by an angular relationship between them both.
A computer is built into the Lumizip. As soon as the coded signals for a line to be composed reach the computer, it determines the order and the exact moment when each flashtube is to operate, synchronized with the movements of the component of the lens.
In practice, the type matrices are aligned on the plate not in a single row but in 11 horizontal rows. The component of the lens always moves in the same horizontal plane, which is the same as that of the line to be composed and also that of the median row, the sixth, of the matrix plate. Alignment of characters from the other rows is achieved by means of two level, horizontal mirrors placed on either side of this horizontal plane, parallel to it and face to face at a small distance from one another. The beams of light coming from the flashtubes of the matrices of the median row pass between these two mirrors without touching them. But the beams of light coming from the flash tubes of the matrices of the other rows strike these mirrors at an angle that is sharper, depending on how far the row is from the median row, and between these mirrors they are repeatedly reflected, the number of reflections depending on the angle: one for rows five and seven, up to five for rows one and 11, the last reflection falling into alignment on the sensitive film.
Mechanical movement in the Lumizip is reduced to the extreme minimum, because the component of the lens is the only moving part. Since it depends on an alternating, rectilinear movement and is therefore handicapped by factors of inertia, its speed, which cannot be as great as that of a continuous rotary movement, is only 10 to-and-fro movements per second. But during a single one of these to-and-fro movements all the several dozen characters for one line are photographed. Thus, the Lumizip attains a performance rate perhaps 20 times superior to that of the Lumitype. Theoretically, it can perform at a rate exceeding 2,000,000 symbols per hour and in practice has produced over 1,000,000.