Typesetter casting aligned characters
The operation of the Monotype typesetter, which casts individual aligned characters, is based on a system of measuring the width of characters, called the set. In each font, letters and symbols have sizes determined in units of set, from five units for the narrowest, such as the “i” or the “l,” to 18 units for the largest, such as the “W” or the “M.”
The Monotype keyboard, separate from the caster, consists, on the standard model, of 274 keys, 30 of which, in two rows numbered from 1 to 15, are called justifying keys. Typing out the text results in the perforation, by an automatic punch, of one or two holes, each letter or symbol having its own pattern, in the width of a paper tape that allows 31 possible arrangements. An automatic calculator adds the widths of the letters and symbols typed out. Moving his forefinger across a scale that he has before him, the operator knows when the end of a line is near. Once he has finished a line, he places his other forefinger on the justifying drum, which indicates which two justifying keys he must now press. This move results in the perforation of one or two holes whose position indicates the quotient of the number of units lacking for the line to be completed by the number of spaces between the words of this line, plus a third hole in a position specifically fixed for the justification process.
The typesetter is composed of an electric melting pot containing molten alloy situated under a mold in the shape of a vertical chimney, the internal dimensions of which can vary according to the measurement in units of set of the characters or spaces to be cast.
The matrices are in the form of small bronze cubic blocks measuring five millimeters (0.2 inch) square, arranged in a steel frame nine centimeters (3.5 inches) square containing 15 rows of 15, enough for five complete alphabets, typically uppercase and lowercase in roman, italic, and boldface, and small capitals, as well as double or triple letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. Each row includes only matrices of letters and symbols of the same unit of set, from the smallest (five units) in the first row to the largest (18 units) in the back row.
The frame can slide horizontally in either direction to place any matrix from any row above the opening to the mold.
The process of setting and casting type on the Monotype is as follows: the roll of perforated paper tape is placed in the pneumatic tower of the typesetter—a row of 31 pipes distributing compressed air. As it unrolls, the tape prevents the compressed air from entering all pipes except those corresponding to the perforations.
The tape unrolls in the direction opposite to that in which it was rolled up—that is, in the opposite order to the way it was typed, the last line appearing first and the justifying perforations being inserted into the pneumatic tower before those for the letters and symbols. The compressed air that the perforations allow to pass into three (or two) of the pipes causes pieces of metal (justifying quoins) to fall into position in such a way as to control the internal measurement of the mold each time that the spaces between the words of the next line are to be cast.
The perforations for each letter or symbol allow the compressed air to pass into two (or only one) of the pipes connected to two blocks, each of which also contains a series of graded pins. Compressed air raises a pin in each block and halts the movement of the matrix frame in either of its sideways movements. In this way the matrix’s row and the matrix’s place in its row are selected. Selecting the row is the same as selecting a measurement given in units of set. Positioning the row is automatically linked to setting a piece of metal (the set quoin) whose position regulates the dimensions of the mold for casting the letter or symbol.
For the casting, a centering device places the selected matrix precisely against the opening of the mold, and a plunger in the melting pot forces the alloy up to cast the character or the space (that is, the unengraved matrix).
The composed line emerges from the machine completely assembled and justified and is placed in a galley.
The Monotype can cast type ranging in body size from five to 24 points (with a special mold for each). The addition of a speed-reducing device enables it to cast in 48 points. The maximum width of lines assembled is 60 picas.
In the early 1970s Monotype models could be equipped with a frame carrying 15 rows of 17 matrices (255) or 16 rows of 17 (272), with six or seven complete alphabets. The keyboard then has 310 keys.
A special model of the keyboard permits simultaneous perforation of two tapes for composing the same text in identical or different kinds of type and lengths of line.
The advantages of the Monotype system are the quality of its composition and the ease with which corrections can be made without having to reset the whole line. It is not well suited to newspaper printing because of the difficulty of handling lines of movable type and because, since typecasting begins with the end of the tape, composition must wait until all the type has been cast.
Automatic composition (perforated tape)
The Teletypesetter (TTS) system extends to slugcasting machines the principle of separation of function originally characteristic of the Monotype: it enables Linotype or Intertype machines to be controlled by a perforated tape produced on a separate keyboard, even situated in a different city, since the combination of the perforations on the tape can be sent telegraphically.
The Teletypesetter tape is six-channeled; that is, it contains six possible positions for perforations across its width. This allows 64 different combinations of from one to six perforations.
This limited capacity, less than the number of keys on the keyboard of the typesetter, is corrected by an arrangement whereby each combination of perforations may have two different uses (for example, the uppercase and the lowercase of the same letter) according to whether it follows one or other of two special signals (themselves represented by combinations of perforations) that control passage of one or other of these uses.
The keyboard for preparing the Teletypesetter tape looks like a typewriter with, in addition to the usual 44 keys and the space bar, 20 special keys. Striking each key establishes contact with the electric circuit or circuits that operate the perforators and at the same time acts on a calculating mechanism: a needle moving across a screen warns the operator of the end of each line.
Usually, as the tape is perforated the text is also typed out on a sheet of paper, which allows the work to be checked, reread, and corrected. For use with a Teletypesetter, the typesetting machine is equipped with a mechanism that translates the tape. In this mechanism the tape passes under six sensors that register electric contacts as the perforations pass. In accordance with the combination of electric contacts thus established, relays control the action of the keys or of the bar that causes the spacebands to drop and, at the end of each line, the starting of the casting cycle.
The most recent typesetters specially designed for use with the Teletypesetter offer such technical refinements as the elimination of the composing stick and immediate dispatch of the line to the elevator, simplifying the path taken by the matrices; and electromagnetic, rather than mechanical coupling, which speeds the starting up of the casting cycle.