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scalawag, after the American Civil War, a pejorative term for a white Southerner who supported the federal plan of Reconstruction or who joined with black freedmen and the so-called carpetbaggers in support of Republican Party policies. The origin of the term is unclear, but it was known in the United States from at least the 1840s, at first denoting a worthless farm animal and then denoting a worthless person. Its association with Southern-born or Southern-bred white Reconstruction-era Republicans was popularized in Southern newspapers that supported the Democratic Party and opposed Radical Reconstruction.
Scalawags came from various segments of Southern society. They included both wartime Unionists and secessionists, former slaveholders, Confederate veterans (most notably, James Longstreet, Robert E. Lee’s second in command at the Battle of Gettysburg), professionals, and former Whigs of the planter-merchant aristocracy. Yeomen farmers constituted a particularly significant contingent. Having long resented the planter class’s control of Southern society, they saw their self-interest better represented in Reconstruction transformation than in a return to hierarchal prewar norms. Others supported the Republican Party out of a desire to modernize and bring more manufacturing to the South or to imbue Southern life with more-progressive values. There were also those white Southerners who supported the Republicans out of sheer short-term opportunism. Whatever their motivation, these white Southern Republicans joined with newly enfranchised African Americans and the Northern newcomers (carpetbaggers) to constitute an electoral majority that held sway over the Democrats who sought to obstruct Reconstruction.
The Republican Party enjoyed much more support from white Southerners than was long implied by Southern folklore. Indeed, altogether, during the Reconstruction era, scalawags constituted perhaps 20 percent of the white electorate, a sizable force in any election or constitutional convention. As a result of the crucial role played by scalawags in Reconstruction, many Southern Democrats had even greater contempt for scalawags than they had for carpetbaggers, viewing the scalawags as traitors to their race.