Nicotine inhaler
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The nicotine inhaler, which consists of a nicotine-filled cartridge and a mouthpiece, was developed in order to imitate the behavioral and sensory characteristics of smoking without mimicking the actual delivery of nicotine to the lungs. The user inhales nicotine vapour into the mouth. Most of the nicotine is absorbed through the oral mucosa. The amount of nicotine delivered depends on the number of inhalations and their intensity. Depending on their needs, patients are advised to use from 6 to 16 cartridges per day. Each cartridge contains 10 mg of nicotine, of which 4 mg is delivered and up to 2 mg absorbed by the user. Side effects usually involve local irritation of the throat, together with coughing or sneezing. In most countries the nicotine inhaler is available only by prescription.
Sublingual nicotine tablets
The sublingual nicotine tablet is approved for use in several European countries. Each tablet commonly contains 2 mg of nicotine and is placed under the tongue until it dissolves; the nicotine is absorbed through the oral mucosa. Common side effects include irritation in the throat or under the tongue. As with nicotine gum, patients are instructed to move the tablet around within the mouth in order to alleviate these symptoms. The tablet form of nicotine is available without a prescription in many countries, but it is not available in the United States.
The first nonnicotine medication to gain approval for smoking cessation was the prescription drug bupropion, which was placed on the market in the United States in 1997 under the name Zyban. (The drug is also marketed as an antidepressant under the name Wellbutrin.) Bupropion seems to reduce both withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke by affecting the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. Bupropion is available in the form of a 150-mg pill taken once a day for three days, then twice a day for 7 to 12 weeks, often concurrently with a nicotine replacement medication. Bupropion is not recommended for anyone who has a seizure disorder, has ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder, or takes certain kinds of antidepressants. Of the few major side effects that have been reported, insomnia and dry mouth are the most common.
Other approaches to smoking cessation
The most common approach to smoking cessation is that of quitting “cold turkey,” which is the sudden discontinuation of smoking. This approach is rarely effective the first time it is tried, but through repeated efforts some people eventually succeed by this approach. Yet many people might have been able to quit years earlier by using a proven form of treatment. Hypnosis, acupuncture, herbal remedies, and other approaches are often advertised as ways to help quit smoking. These methods have not been proved to be any more effective than simply deciding to quit, although some individuals undoubtedly have been able to quit smoking by using them. For people with physical withdrawal symptoms, such as an impaired ability to function in the workplace (many people have difficulty concentrating on tasks), strong proven methods may be the best road to success. Nonetheless, new techniques and medicines are constantly being evaluated, so people interested in quitting should consider checking with WHO or the various national cancer organizations for information. Treatments that are under development or consideration include a vaccine to help people refrain from smoking once they have quit smoking, a medication to help prevent weight gain associated with nicotine withdrawal, and a medication to help persons reduce tobacco use when they find that they cannot abstain from it.
Christine Ann Rose Jack Henningfield