Heritage of the Enlightenment
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There is also the fact that, especially in the 18th century, reform and even revolution were often in the air. The purpose of a great many social philosophers was by no means restricted to philosophical, much less scientific, understanding of humanity and society. The dead hand of the Middle Ages seemed to many vigorous minds in western Europe the principal force to be combatted, through critical reason, enlightenment, and, where necessary, major reform or revolution. One may properly account a great deal of this new spirit to the rise of humanitarianism in modern Europe and in other parts of the world and to the spread of literacy, the rise in the standard of living, and the recognition that poverty and oppression need not be the fate of the masses. The fact remains, however, that social reform is, by definition, a pursuit biased toward what the reformer believes to be good and should exist in place of what actually exists and, as such, is different from the pursuit of scientific knowledge of what is. The very fact that for a long time, indeed through a good part of the 19th century, social reform and social science were regarded as basically the same thing could not have helped but retard the development of such knowledge in regard to human behaviour and society.
It would be wrong to discount the continuity between the social thought of the 17th and 18th centuries and today’s social sciences. The very idea of social science, as the set of rationally deduced principles on the basis of which society was to be organized, appeared then. Second was the rising awareness of the multiplicity and variety of human experience in the world, a result of trade and exploration. Third was the spreading sense of the self-made character of human behaviour in society—that is, its historical or conventional, rather than God-given, nature. What man made once, man could remake numerous times.
To these may be added two specific concepts of the 17th and 18th centuries, which were inherited by the contemporary social sciences. The first was the idea of structure. Having emerged nearly at the same time in the writings of natural and moral philosophers, it was used by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau with reference to the political structure of the state, by the mid-18th century spreading to highlight the economic writings of the physiocrats and Adam Smith. The idea of structure can also be seen in certain works relating to human psychology and, at opposite reach, to the whole of civil society. Conceptions of structure have in many instances, subject only to minor changes, endured in the contemporary social sciences.
The second major concept was that of developmental change. Its ultimate roots in Western thought, like those indeed of the whole idea of structure, go back to the Greeks, if not earlier. But it is in the 18th century, above all others, that the philosophy of developmentalism took shape, forming a preview, so to speak, of the social evolutionism of the next century. What was said by such writers as Condorcet, Rousseau, and Smith was that the present is an outgrowth of the past, the result of a long line of development in time, and, furthermore, a line of development that has been caused not by God or fortuitous factors but by conditions and causes immanent in human society. Despite a fairly widespread belief that the idea of social development is a product of prior discovery of biological evolution, the facts are the reverse. Well before any clear idea of genetic speciation existed in European biology, there was a very clear idea of what might be called social speciation—that is, the emergence of one institution from another in time and of the whole differentiation of function and structure that goes with this emergence.
As has been suggested, these and other seminal ideas were contained for the most part in writings whose primary function was to attack the existing order of government and society in western Europe. Another way of putting the matter is to say that these ideas were clear and acknowledged parts of political and social idealism—using that word in its largest sense. Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Smith, and other major philosophers had as vivid and energizing a sense of the ideal—the ideal state, the ideal economy, the ideal civil society—as any earlier utopian writer. These thinkers were, without exception, committed to visions of the good or ideal society. Their interest in the “natural”—that is, natural morality, religion, economy, or education, in contrast to the merely conventional and historically derived—sprang as much from the desire to hold a mirror up to a surrounding society that they disliked as from any dispassionate urge simply to find out what humanity and society are made of. These 17th- and 18th-century ideas were to prove decisive in the 19th and later centuries, so far as the social sciences were concerned.