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- classification of trees
- In tree: Popular classifications
…less parallel their scientific classification: softwoods are conifers, and hardwoods are dicotyledons. Hardwoods are also known as broadleaf trees. The designations softwood, hardwood, and broadleaf, however, are often imprecise. The wood of some hardwoods—for example, certain willows and poplars and the softest of all woods, balsa—is softer than that of…
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- lignin
varieties of wood
- In wood: Production and consumption of wood
Gymnosperms, or cone-bearing trees, produce softwoods, such as pine and spruce, and angiosperms produce temperate and tropical hardwoods, such as oak, beech, teak, and balsa. It should be noted that the distinction implied by hardwood and softwood is not true in all cases. Some
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- gymnosperms
- In conifer: Economic importance
Conifers provide all the world’s softwood timber, the major construction wood of temperate regions, and about 45 percent of the world’s annual lumber production. Softwoods have always had many general and specialty applications. The original great cedar (Cedrus libani) forests of the Middle East were felled to float the warring…
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