The process of determining whether the transmitted text or any of the transmitted variants of it is “authentic”—i.e., what the author intended—is known as examination. The prior process of recension has reduced the number of textual states having a claim to be considered “authoritative.” Many different situations are possible. In a completely closed tradition it is theoretically feasible to reconstruct the archetype with such certainty that only a single form of the text without variants remains to be examined. In practice this is extremely unlikely to be the situation. Usually the critic is faced with pairs (sometimes triplets) of variants, all with a presumptive claim to be considered authoritative. In some traditions he will confront variant versions of the whole text. Where papyri or other early sources independent of the main tradition are available, he may have to reckon with “pretraditional” (i.e., pre-archetypal) variants. The process of examination calls upon the critic’s full range of knowledge as well as his innate powers of taste and discrimination. The criteria applied must be those appropriate to the particular author (supposing his identity to be known), the period, the genre, and the particular character of the work. The opposing demands of analogy and anomaly must be weighed according to the circumstances. Many of the older generation of critics based their decisions on aprioristic or rigidly analogical principles of elegance and propriety, while the canons of modern criticism are based on historical studies of language and style. It is here that the circularity inherent in the whole operation is most evident, for the linguistic and stylistic criteria employed are themselves based on inductions from texts, probably including the one under examination. There is no escape from this difficulty; as the German philologist Karl Lachmann observed, it is precisely the task of the critic “to tread that circle deftly and warily.”
The attempt to restore the transmitted text to its authentic state is called emendation. There will usually be a chronological gap, sometimes of several centuries, between the archetype, or earliest inferable state of the text, and the original; nearly all manuscripts of classical authors date from the Middle Ages. The history of the text during the intervening period may be illustrated from external sources; but if examination has convinced the critic that the transmitted text (or its variants) are not authentic, he normally has no recourse but to bridge the gap by conjecture. Conjectural emendation has been defined by the American scholar B.L. Gildersleeve as “the appeal from manuscripts we have to a manuscript that has been lost.” Theoretically this definition is acceptable, if we interpret “manuscript” as “source,” but in practice the making of conjectures, as distinct from testing them, is intelligent guesswork.
No part of the theory of textual criticism has suffered more from misunderstanding than has conjectural emendation. Such conjectural, or divinatory, criticism has in the past enjoyed a traditional preeminence: Dr. Johnson observed that William Warburton’s correction of “good” to “god” in the second act of Hamlet (scene 2, line 182) almost set the critic on a level with the author. That idea is as erroneous as the frame of mind in which the Italian scholar C. Pascal founded the Paravia series of editions in order to purge Latin texts of German conjectures. The best critic is he who discriminates best, whether between variants or between transmitted text and conjecture.
Conjectures as a rule occur to the mind spontaneously or not at all; diagnosis and prescription often present themselves at the same moment. This instinctive process is not under the critic’s control, though he can sharpen and regulate it by constant study and observation. The outcome of the process, the emendation itself, can and must be controlled and tested by precisely the same criteria as are used in deciding between variants. This is essentially an exercise in balancing probabilities. These probabilities are historical. The conventional distinction between intrinsic and transcriptional (i.e., paleographical or bibliographical) probability tends to obscure a fundamental historical point. If the transmitted form of the text lies at few removes or a short distance in time from the original, a conjectural solution which violates transcriptional probability is less likely to be correct than if the text has undergone a long and complex process of deterioration. In the latter case the critic may attach little or no importance to transcriptional probability. The critic cannot neglect the study of paleography or bibliography, but he must not give them more than their critical due. What that may be depends on the particular historical circumstances. He will study carefully the rationale of error in manuscripts and books themselves rather than in the schematic classifications of critical manuals; and he will learn from experience to distinguish between the types of error that may be called “psychological” (i.e., those committed by a tired or inattentive copyist, whatever language or instruments he uses) and those contingent on the period and the medium of transmission, whether it be the mouth and the ear, the pen, the hand composing stick, the linotype or typewriter keyboard, the computer or photocopying machine, or the printing press. Two complementary principles originated by the New Testament critics of the 18th century are often cited as aids to decision: utrum in alterum abiturum erat? (“which reading would be more likely to have given rise to the other?”) and difficilior lectio potior (“the more difficult reading is to be preferred”). These are no more than useful rules of thumb; it has been suggested that in practice these and other such principles reduce themselves to the truism melior lectio potior, “the better reading is to be preferred.”
From this discussion it is apparent that the traditional opposition between “conservative” and “radical” styles of criticism that has haunted textual criticism since St. Jerome has no meaning. The critic does not attack or defend the transmitted text; he asks himself whether it is authentic. How radically he treats it, and how many conjectural readings he substitutes for transmitted readings, depends not on his temperament but on the nature of the problem. If he has studied the history of textual criticism he will know that as a matter of demonstrable fact nearly all conjectures are wrong, and he will accept that many of his solutions are in the nature of things provisional.

Editorial technique
Critical texts are edited according to conventions that vary with the type of text (classical, medieval, modern) but follow certain general principles. In some cases, as with newly edited papyri and with palimpsests (writing materials re-used after erasure), the edition will take the form of a diplomatic transcript—i.e., the most accurate possible representation of a particular textual form. Generally, however, the editor constitutes his text in accordance with his own judgment on principles explained in his introduction; and he indicates his sources in critical notes (apparatus criticus), preferably at the foot of the page. These notes are usually couched in a special terminology that relies heavily on abbreviation and the use of conventional signs or letters (sigla) to identify the witnesses. In classical and patristic texts the language of the notes is usually Latin. Editorial judgment will be influenced by the presumed needs of readers: in an edition intended for scholars, very corrupt passages are often printed as transmitted and marked with a dagger (†), whereas in an edition for the student or general reader some compromise may be accepted in the interests of readability.
A much-discussed problem is the treatment of “accidentals”—variations in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and the like. Few if any ancient text traditions preserve reliable evidence of authorial practice in these matters, so that the editor is concerned only with variants that affect the sense; in preparing his text for printing he will adopt modern conventions of presentation and punctuation and a normalized orthography. The same holds good for the majority of medieval texts. Printed texts, however, were generally corrected or seen through the press by the author, or at all events by a contemporary, so that the editor may be reasonably confident of reproducing at least a decent approximation to authorial usage. Whether, or to what extent, he should do so is much debated; opinions differ sharply as to the usefulness of “old-spelling” editions of Shakespeare and other early writers.