wages-fund theory
Also known as: wage-fund theory
Learn about this topic in these articles:
major reference
- In wage and salary: Wages-fund theory
” Smith said that the demand for labour could not increase except in proportion to the increase of the funds destined for the payment of wages. Ricardo maintained that an increase in capital would result in an increase in the demand for labour. Statements…
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- In capital and interest: The classical theory of capital
…was forced to abandon the wages-fund theory. Nevertheless, the wages fund is a crude representation of some real but complex relationships, and the theory reappears in a more sophisticated form in later writers.
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wage theory
- In wage theory
The wage-fund theory held that wages depended on the relative amounts of capital available for the payment of workers and the size of the labour force. Wages increase only with an increase in capital or a decrease in the number of workers. Although the size of…
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