Variations or distinctions within the act of worship
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Worship may be distinguished with regard to the kind of devotion extended to the holy. Worship (Greek latreia) in the narrow sense is considered by many religions to be directed to the divine alone: to God in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and to Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light, in the Pure Land schools of Mahayana Buddhism. To worship any being or object other than God alone is thus understood to be an engagement in idolatry, though other beings, persons, or objects may be shown lesser forms of veneration because of their special relationship to the divine.
Certain persons are viewed as being entitled to major veneration (Greek hyperdoulia). Among these, the best known are the Virgin Mary in Christianity, especially in Roman Catholicism, the bodhisattvas (buddhas-to-be) in Buddhism, the Prophet Muhammad in Islam, and Jesus in Christian churches that do not emphasize Jesus as the divine Son of God in their worship.
Lesser, or minor, veneration (Greek doulia) is extended to the saints of the church in many Christian groups, but especially in the Roman Catholic Church and in Eastern Orthodox churches. The saints are understood to participate in the power of God in virtue of their holy lives and (often) their martyrdom. The saints make intercession in behalf of the worshipper before God and, joining their voices with his, bring about the blessing sought. The relics of the saints are shown veneration as well and are sometimes believed to effect cures or to perform miracles. The forefathers (patriarchs) Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) were venerated in ancient Israel and were named frequently in prayers to God. Veneration of saints also occurs in Buddhism, Jainism, and Islam.
Worship that places emphasis upon the Virgin Mary or upon the lives or relics of the saints has been called idolatry by reforming groups. The danger of idolatry is held to be its tendency to disperse the commitment of the worshipper, to detract from the glory and honour due to God alone. No person or object in the world of God’s creation, according to ancient Israel, was entitled to worship; images of the deity were dangerous because of this fact. According to reforming critics, the tendency is to slip from religion into magic whenever worship is not centred upon God alone. Magic and religion are difficult to distinguish, but the operational difference in worship is recognizable: worship is response to the holy, the divine, the powers of which are not controllable. Magic represents an act designed precisely to control the power of the holy and to direct it to one’s own ends.
But devotion to the Virgin Mary, to the bodhisattvas, to the saints or their relics in various religions, to the icons of the saints in Eastern Christianity should not be considered idolatry. Rather, such devotion is intended to acknowledge the power of the divine and the beauty, nobility, and moral excellence of those who stand in an intimate relationship to God or the sacred realm. Thus, worship of God is accomplished by way of devotion to those whose lives have been touched by the sacred or holy in special ways.