Also known as: pratirūpadharma
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relationship to mappō
- In mappō
…“copied law” (Sanskrit pratirupadharma, Japanese zōbō); and the age of the “latter law,” or the “degeneration of the law” (Sanskrit pashchimadharma, Japanese mappō). A new period, in which the true faith will again flower, will be ushered in some time in the future by the bodhisattva (“buddha-to-be”) Maitreya (Japanese Miroku).
Read More - In Japanese art: Amidism
…time of “imitative law” (zōbō), and the third period was that of mappō, which was actually calculated to begin in the year 1052. Mappō, it was believed, was a time marked by social chaos and natural disaster, in which proper living under the law of the Buddha no longer…
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