Listen to Peter Matthiessen and George Plimpton sharing thoughts behind “The Paris Review” magazine

Listen to Peter Matthiessen and George Plimpton sharing thoughts behind “The Paris Review” magazine
Excerpt from the documentary The Paris Review: Early Chapters (2001).
Checkerboard Film Foundation (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
[Music in]
GEORGE PLIMPTON: Ces't la rue Garanciere!
We went right by eight. I thought there was the darn thing. This is the rue Garanciere. This--that's how extraordinary [music out]. And the offices of the "Paris Review" were right up in here, right up in there. It was one small room. And they would close these gates at night. And those bars weren't on there. And so the only way to get out was to hang on to these--the edge of this--and drop down here. And I remember the Guard Republicaine would be coming along on their horses and they'd look down, and they'd see these editors popping out of these windows here.
[Music in]
PETER MATTHIESSEN: I think George--and quite rightly, too--I think he, you know, he--he [unintelligible] for the "Paris Review," which he blames on me. He says, "I coulda been a contender." That's his joke line. You know, the Marlon Brando line, "I coulda been a contender," he says. Because he says it's taken him away from his writing. Well, I don't buy that one at all. But I think he--I think what it has done is that his own interest in knowing people and being in on social situations has dis--distracted him from his so-called serious writing.
[Music out/laughter]
And I think he also knows that he's a very, very good writer. He is a very good writer. The Archie Moore book, in particular, is just, I think, full of talent, full of intelligence and talent, really. So he may feel he could've or should've gone deeper with his writing. And I think he--he--he does that--he does feel that way, and he's wry about it, even though he's--he's made the--he's parlayed the "Paris Review" apparatus into a marvelous, wonderful, movable feast. You know, I--I don't think he should have any regrets.
GEORGE PLIMPTON: I used to have these funny discussions with Peter Matthiessen, who was the fellow that got me to do all this with the "Paris Review," that he'd destroyed my life, possible careers of a more successful writer, more prolific writer, that my whole life had been changed by this one phone call to Cambridge that got me to come to Paris. Magazine has now been running for 48 years. And I wrote him a letter the other day--I was thinking about the "Paris Review" and everything--and I wrote Peter a letter. And I said in it that I thought that of all the choices I made in my life, that that one had been the best one.
GEORGE PLIMPTON: Ces't la rue Garanciere!
We went right by eight. I thought there was the darn thing. This is the rue Garanciere. This--that's how extraordinary [music out]. And the offices of the "Paris Review" were right up in here, right up in there. It was one small room. And they would close these gates at night. And those bars weren't on there. And so the only way to get out was to hang on to these--the edge of this--and drop down here. And I remember the Guard Republicaine would be coming along on their horses and they'd look down, and they'd see these editors popping out of these windows here.
[Music in]
PETER MATTHIESSEN: I think George--and quite rightly, too--I think he, you know, he--he [unintelligible] for the "Paris Review," which he blames on me. He says, "I coulda been a contender." That's his joke line. You know, the Marlon Brando line, "I coulda been a contender," he says. Because he says it's taken him away from his writing. Well, I don't buy that one at all. But I think he--I think what it has done is that his own interest in knowing people and being in on social situations has dis--distracted him from his so-called serious writing.
[Music out/laughter]
And I think he also knows that he's a very, very good writer. He is a very good writer. The Archie Moore book, in particular, is just, I think, full of talent, full of intelligence and talent, really. So he may feel he could've or should've gone deeper with his writing. And I think he--he--he does that--he does feel that way, and he's wry about it, even though he's--he's made the--he's parlayed the "Paris Review" apparatus into a marvelous, wonderful, movable feast. You know, I--I don't think he should have any regrets.
GEORGE PLIMPTON: I used to have these funny discussions with Peter Matthiessen, who was the fellow that got me to do all this with the "Paris Review," that he'd destroyed my life, possible careers of a more successful writer, more prolific writer, that my whole life had been changed by this one phone call to Cambridge that got me to come to Paris. Magazine has now been running for 48 years. And I wrote him a letter the other day--I was thinking about the "Paris Review" and everything--and I wrote Peter a letter. And I said in it that I thought that of all the choices I made in my life, that that one had been the best one.