rheumatoid arthritis patients

rheumatoid arthritis patients
Family doctors learn new skills to treat rheumatoid arthritis patients.
AbbVie (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
[INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] SPEAKER 1: Family doctors like Samuel Hickcox are being given new skills in an initiative to bring down waiting times for arthritis patients here in Halifax Eastern Canada.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: Good to see you, too.
SPEAKER 1: The idea is that specially trained general practitioners can carry out routine checkups on stable patients, saving them a long wait to see a rheumatology specialist.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: Some changes there in the nail.
So the training really was informal. I basically began by shadowing all of the different rheumatologists who work at this clinic, and over time developed clinical skills that would allow me to be able to see patients independently.
SPEAKER 2: Yeah, she had--
SPEAKER 1: Dr. Hickcox, the nursing team, and physiotherapists are all collaborating in the initiative that now allows patients to be seen when they should.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: So a typical patient would enter the clinic. They would see the rheumatologist and a nurse at one appointment. Six months later, they would see a physiotherapist, a nurse, and myself. And we would essentially alternate those two types of clinic.
SPEAKER 1: The project here in Halifax, Nova Scotia may seem at first glance like a local solution to a local problem. There aren't enough rheumatologists, and so the family doctor steps in to help out. But in fact, all around the world, you find the same issue-- long waiting times and a lack of specialist staff. So could this approach be the solution?
That's certainly the view of Randi Monroe, one of the health care managers in Halifax who championed the project.
RANDI MONROE: Yes. The World Health Organization would often say, collaboration is our future. We're heading into an era where we are on the great tsunami where there are lots of people who need lots of care.
So all the physicians--
SPEAKER 1: And giving new skills to family doctors is part of delivering that care, together with genuine collaboration.
RANDI MONROE: And well, I have the hiring [INAUDIBLE]
So we cooperate. Everybody's pleasant. Everybody's nice. I might say, this is what I found the patient was doing. And you may say--
But collaboration is, you truly have one goal. The patient is deciding the goal. And they're determining kind of what they want to see happen. And everybody is feeding into that.
SPEAKER 1: Nova Scotia is a popular place to retire. And 1/4 of the population has arthritic problems. So giving new skills to family doctors to treat stable patients means rheumatologists can focus on seeing new patients instead. That's a big advance for those with suspected rheumatoid arthritis, according to charity leader Susan Tilley-Russell.
SUSAN TILLEY-RUSSEL: We're racing against the clock. We have three to six months from the onset of symptoms before potential permanent joint damage can occur. So this project allows rheumatologists to work on an early diagnosis and frees up some of their time so that the general practitioner can see more stable patients.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: I sort of have worked things out so I have three practices.
SPEAKER 1: It took two years for the clinic to fully reorganize around the new skills that Dr. Hickcox could offer. But he's convinced of the validity of their approach.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: A family physician has a very broad understanding of how to screen a person for a number of common chronic medical diseases, how to manage a patient-- potentially from a more holistic perspective-- how to interface with other family doctors and communicate with them in order to build collaboration out in the community. So it's our assertion that ultimately it is a better model of care.
Head down there. Swing your legs up.
SPEAKER 1: A similar project is underway at another clinic in Nova Scotia with plans to further repeat the model in other provinces of Canada.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: Could actually come from your arthritis.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: Good to see you, too.
SPEAKER 1: The idea is that specially trained general practitioners can carry out routine checkups on stable patients, saving them a long wait to see a rheumatology specialist.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: Some changes there in the nail.
So the training really was informal. I basically began by shadowing all of the different rheumatologists who work at this clinic, and over time developed clinical skills that would allow me to be able to see patients independently.
SPEAKER 2: Yeah, she had--
SPEAKER 1: Dr. Hickcox, the nursing team, and physiotherapists are all collaborating in the initiative that now allows patients to be seen when they should.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: So a typical patient would enter the clinic. They would see the rheumatologist and a nurse at one appointment. Six months later, they would see a physiotherapist, a nurse, and myself. And we would essentially alternate those two types of clinic.
SPEAKER 1: The project here in Halifax, Nova Scotia may seem at first glance like a local solution to a local problem. There aren't enough rheumatologists, and so the family doctor steps in to help out. But in fact, all around the world, you find the same issue-- long waiting times and a lack of specialist staff. So could this approach be the solution?
That's certainly the view of Randi Monroe, one of the health care managers in Halifax who championed the project.
RANDI MONROE: Yes. The World Health Organization would often say, collaboration is our future. We're heading into an era where we are on the great tsunami where there are lots of people who need lots of care.
So all the physicians--
SPEAKER 1: And giving new skills to family doctors is part of delivering that care, together with genuine collaboration.
RANDI MONROE: And well, I have the hiring [INAUDIBLE]
So we cooperate. Everybody's pleasant. Everybody's nice. I might say, this is what I found the patient was doing. And you may say--
But collaboration is, you truly have one goal. The patient is deciding the goal. And they're determining kind of what they want to see happen. And everybody is feeding into that.
SPEAKER 1: Nova Scotia is a popular place to retire. And 1/4 of the population has arthritic problems. So giving new skills to family doctors to treat stable patients means rheumatologists can focus on seeing new patients instead. That's a big advance for those with suspected rheumatoid arthritis, according to charity leader Susan Tilley-Russell.
SUSAN TILLEY-RUSSEL: We're racing against the clock. We have three to six months from the onset of symptoms before potential permanent joint damage can occur. So this project allows rheumatologists to work on an early diagnosis and frees up some of their time so that the general practitioner can see more stable patients.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: I sort of have worked things out so I have three practices.
SPEAKER 1: It took two years for the clinic to fully reorganize around the new skills that Dr. Hickcox could offer. But he's convinced of the validity of their approach.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: A family physician has a very broad understanding of how to screen a person for a number of common chronic medical diseases, how to manage a patient-- potentially from a more holistic perspective-- how to interface with other family doctors and communicate with them in order to build collaboration out in the community. So it's our assertion that ultimately it is a better model of care.
Head down there. Swing your legs up.
SPEAKER 1: A similar project is underway at another clinic in Nova Scotia with plans to further repeat the model in other provinces of Canada.
SAMUEL HICKCOX: Could actually come from your arthritis.