The Normandy Invasion: What obstacles did U.S. troops face at Omaha Beach?

The Normandy Invasion: What obstacles did U.S. troops face at Omaha Beach?
Hear Encyclopædia Britannica editor Michael Ray, with an infographic, explain the obstacles that Allies faced at Omaha Beach during the Normandy Invasion.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
[MUSIC PLAYING] MICHAEL RAY: This illustration gives examples of some of the obstacles that were faced by US troops landing at Omaha Beach. The various elements that you see are designed to either hang up landing craft or to kill or incapacitate any allied troops landing near the obstacle themselves.
Things such as Belgian gates and log posts with proximity mines attached to them were designed to blow up entire transports of troops. And hedgehogs, large steel, crossed beams, were designed to pierce the bottom of landing craft and make them easy targets for the German machine gunners on the cliffs above.
In the end, these hedgehogs would provide valuable cover for some of the landing troops as they attempted to gather themselves into units that could carry over the shingle, the sea wall, through the barbed wire, and up to the heights where the German defenders were firing upon them.
The shingle is a-- essentially if you've ever been to a sandy beach where you have a large field of rocks that act as kind of a breakwater, the shingle was a rocky kind of bit of difficult terrain that was intended to prevent further erosion of the beach soil. That was part of the natural environment. But it is important to see the scale.
While this isn't directly to scale, you can see the distances involved. In many cases, the troops that were landing were bailing out of the side of transport ships that had been hit or hung up on obstacles and wading ashore distances of 400 or 500 yards while under constant fire from machine guns and artillery.
And you'll see that something that doesn't actually loom very large in this illustration is the concertina wire. And that would have been a roll of barbed wire that stretched the length of the beach. And in many cases, troops would make it as far as the seawall. And if the engineer with their company hadn't made it ashore with the proper explosives, that was where they were stuck. They simply had no way to penetrate through that barbed wire.
You look at the big obstacles. Those are intended to hold up any landing craft or any of the Allied armor that hadn't previously sunk due to rough seas. And the infantry really got hung up by what you see there, what looks almost insignificant in terms of the scale of everything else, that line of barbed wire. If one of the infantry that happened to be nearby didn't have a Bangalore torpedo or even rudimentary wire cutters, there was simply no way to get through that barbed wire.
By the early afternoon, Omar Bradley was ready to call off that the invasion. Omaha Beach was so bad that they were ready to say, OK, we can't do this. Omaha Beach was really the worst and simply because of the natural defenses that were there kind of lended it to this sort of defense.
The other beaches, it was like, oh, it's a pretty coastal town. And the landing craft were able to roll almost right up to the front yards of these houses that had already been blown apart by Naval gunfire.
At Omaha, you had a combination of really robust physical defenses plus a really terrible natural defense to try to overcome. Plus just the nature of that section of beach meant that the tides were awful. And that threw off all of the landing craft in such a way that you have these little, tiny boats with 20 soldiers aboard them trying to make it to the beach. And they simply couldn't do it. They were blown this way and that trying to get just to anywhere on the beach so they could get back and bring more troops ashore.
Things such as Belgian gates and log posts with proximity mines attached to them were designed to blow up entire transports of troops. And hedgehogs, large steel, crossed beams, were designed to pierce the bottom of landing craft and make them easy targets for the German machine gunners on the cliffs above.
In the end, these hedgehogs would provide valuable cover for some of the landing troops as they attempted to gather themselves into units that could carry over the shingle, the sea wall, through the barbed wire, and up to the heights where the German defenders were firing upon them.
The shingle is a-- essentially if you've ever been to a sandy beach where you have a large field of rocks that act as kind of a breakwater, the shingle was a rocky kind of bit of difficult terrain that was intended to prevent further erosion of the beach soil. That was part of the natural environment. But it is important to see the scale.
While this isn't directly to scale, you can see the distances involved. In many cases, the troops that were landing were bailing out of the side of transport ships that had been hit or hung up on obstacles and wading ashore distances of 400 or 500 yards while under constant fire from machine guns and artillery.
And you'll see that something that doesn't actually loom very large in this illustration is the concertina wire. And that would have been a roll of barbed wire that stretched the length of the beach. And in many cases, troops would make it as far as the seawall. And if the engineer with their company hadn't made it ashore with the proper explosives, that was where they were stuck. They simply had no way to penetrate through that barbed wire.
You look at the big obstacles. Those are intended to hold up any landing craft or any of the Allied armor that hadn't previously sunk due to rough seas. And the infantry really got hung up by what you see there, what looks almost insignificant in terms of the scale of everything else, that line of barbed wire. If one of the infantry that happened to be nearby didn't have a Bangalore torpedo or even rudimentary wire cutters, there was simply no way to get through that barbed wire.
By the early afternoon, Omar Bradley was ready to call off that the invasion. Omaha Beach was so bad that they were ready to say, OK, we can't do this. Omaha Beach was really the worst and simply because of the natural defenses that were there kind of lended it to this sort of defense.
The other beaches, it was like, oh, it's a pretty coastal town. And the landing craft were able to roll almost right up to the front yards of these houses that had already been blown apart by Naval gunfire.
At Omaha, you had a combination of really robust physical defenses plus a really terrible natural defense to try to overcome. Plus just the nature of that section of beach meant that the tides were awful. And that threw off all of the landing craft in such a way that you have these little, tiny boats with 20 soldiers aboard them trying to make it to the beach. And they simply couldn't do it. They were blown this way and that trying to get just to anywhere on the beach so they could get back and bring more troops ashore.