How did Britain become a global empire?

How did Britain become a global empire?
How did Britain become a global empire?
Overview of the British Empire.
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail Geography and Map Division/Library of Congress, Washington D.C.


NARRATOR: In the 17th century the British ruled several coastal cities in India. By the 18th century they controlled nearly half of the Indian subcontinent. How was this possible?

GILES MILTON: "British rule in India of course would not have been possible without the cooperation of the local rulers. It is almost as if the British had crept and crawled their way into India. They used the local rulers to fight their wars - wars by proxy - and little by little all the local powers destroyed themselves, until one day they woke up and the British were the only ones left."

NARRATOR: Precious fabrics, tea and spices - these are the riches of India that the British Empire profited from. In a short space of time it added more than 600 Indian principalities, extending from the coast to the snow-capped Himalayas.

MILTON: "The British empire was a truly global enterprise. It spanned cultures and countries right around the world. And the fact it could do this was because it wasn't wholly negative for the people that were ruled by it. It brought elements of modernization, education, transport, communication by cable, things like that. And these were the visible signs of the British Empire."

NARRATOR: The British Empire included territories in North America. Britain had become the greatest colonial power in history. Economics aren't the only motivation for British settlers. They come to the new world for religious reasons as well. However, the more success they enjoy here, the more strongly they resist the paternalistic demands coming from far-away Europe.

MILTON: "The great success of the English colonies in North America led to a political dilemma. The colonists kept asking themselves why on earth should we pay taxes to the mother country way on the other side of the Atlantic. There was also a feeling that they were an elect people, that they had been chosen by God and they began little by little to revolt against the mother country, and soon enough revolt would turn to revolution."

NARRATOR: Today, Great Britain controls only a handful of overseas territories. Fourteen territories are more or less self-governing, and the British government only controls them to a very limited degree. The British Empire that once spanned the globe is no more.