Watch this description of the Second Battle of Bull Run

Watch this description of the Second Battle of Bull Run
Overview of the Second Battle of Bull Run during the American Civil War.
© Civil War Trust (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
We're standing here along the historic Groveton-Sudley Road, about a half a mile north of the small community known as Groveton. Sometimes the Second Battle of Manassas, or Second Battle of Bull Run, is also known to the soldiers who fought here as the Battle of Groveton, because much of the fighting was centered around that community. Off to our east here, on the other side of the road, is the historic Groveton can, Woods, and just to the north of us, or northeast, rather, is the tract that the Civil War Preservation and Trust is trying to acquire to help preserve and add to the battlefield acreage.
This area is extremely historic and important to the Second Battle of Manassas. On August 30th, the troops under Major General Fitz John Porter formed on opposite sides of these woods, the tract that the Civil War Preservation and Trust is trying to acquire. And they were preparing to make a major assault against the position held by Stonewall Jackson. Jackson held a very strong defensive position behind the embankments of an unfinished railroad no more than 500 yards off to our west, on the other side of this open meadow.
And it was around three o'clock in the afternoon on August 30, 1862 that Fitz John Porter's troops began advancing out of these woods into this open ground. And they immediately came under a withering fire from Confederate infantry along Jackson's line, as well as a massive concentration of Confederate artillery about half a mile further off to the west, where there were some thirty-six pieces of artillery. It was one of the few battles of the Civil War where Confederate artillery would dominate the field.
While this attack was certainly much more massive than all the attacks made the previous day against Jackson's line, the attack was not as strong as it could have been. Only approximately four brigades, actually, would close on Jackson's position. But because of the fact that many of these troops did not make it as far across this field because of this withering fire, the Union forces could not, ultimately, carry the position.
Yeah, Jackson's line was stressed nearly to its breaking point. There are reports that, along the line, Confederates had to resort to throwing rocks at the Federals as they got close, because they had already run out of ammunition. And if it hadn't been for all that artillery fire pouring into these Union lines, the attack might well of broken Jackson's position.
This area is extremely historic and important to the Second Battle of Manassas. On August 30th, the troops under Major General Fitz John Porter formed on opposite sides of these woods, the tract that the Civil War Preservation and Trust is trying to acquire. And they were preparing to make a major assault against the position held by Stonewall Jackson. Jackson held a very strong defensive position behind the embankments of an unfinished railroad no more than 500 yards off to our west, on the other side of this open meadow.
And it was around three o'clock in the afternoon on August 30, 1862 that Fitz John Porter's troops began advancing out of these woods into this open ground. And they immediately came under a withering fire from Confederate infantry along Jackson's line, as well as a massive concentration of Confederate artillery about half a mile further off to the west, where there were some thirty-six pieces of artillery. It was one of the few battles of the Civil War where Confederate artillery would dominate the field.
While this attack was certainly much more massive than all the attacks made the previous day against Jackson's line, the attack was not as strong as it could have been. Only approximately four brigades, actually, would close on Jackson's position. But because of the fact that many of these troops did not make it as far across this field because of this withering fire, the Union forces could not, ultimately, carry the position.
Yeah, Jackson's line was stressed nearly to its breaking point. There are reports that, along the line, Confederates had to resort to throwing rocks at the Federals as they got close, because they had already run out of ammunition. And if it hadn't been for all that artillery fire pouring into these Union lines, the attack might well of broken Jackson's position.