The Templars: Religious warriors and founders of modern banking

The Templars: Religious warriors and founders of modern banking
Overview of the Templars (also called Knights Templar).
Contunico © ZDF Studios GmbH, Mainz; Thumbnail Prints and Photographs Division/Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
NARRATOR: The Order of the Temple was a religious order of knights founded during the first crusade in the 11th century. The order wanted to combine the virtues of a knight with the religiosity of a monk. Noblemen from across Europe clambered to join the order. The Templars were in every European nation. Over time, they grew into a sort of an international organization. Temple Church, London - this is where Knights Templar who had been killed in battle against the heretics were buried. The commandment thou shalt not kill did not apply to this order. The knights believed that the slaughtering of non-Christians was God's work.
DR. BARBARA FRALE: "There are two reasons why the Templars were so powerful. The first had to do with what they believed was their just cause. They embodied the holy war, they gave their lives to defend Jerusalem and Jesus' tomb. The second reason was their battles provided rich rewards. The order was very wealthy. For 200 years, rich Christians gave their land, gold, and goods to support the Crusades and defend the Holy Land."
NARRATOR: At the end of the 11th century, the Knights Templar gathered for an attack on Palestine. The well-equipped army fought its way eastwards to liberate the Holy Land and return it to Christian ownership. Thousands heeded the call and joined the Crusade. The knights divided into seven groups for the long march across Europe, before crossing the sea to the Holy Land. The knights set up their headquarters in Jerusalem. This was where the Grand Master, the undisputed leader of the Templars, sat. He was only answerable to the Pope. Strict organizational rules encouraged blind obedience and unquestioning allegiance in the Knights Templar.
DR. GHISLAIN BRUNEL: "We know for certain that the order enjoyed incredible wealth. Much of it had been taken from France, as well as Spain and England. This money was destined for the Holy Land and was intended to support the knights in their fight to liberate Palestine."
NARRATOR: Money and goods were regularly transported from Europe to Palestine. To organize their supply, the knights set up a system of accounts and cheques. In fact, the Templars laid the foundations for the modern banking system.
DR. BARBARA FRALE: "There are two reasons why the Templars were so powerful. The first had to do with what they believed was their just cause. They embodied the holy war, they gave their lives to defend Jerusalem and Jesus' tomb. The second reason was their battles provided rich rewards. The order was very wealthy. For 200 years, rich Christians gave their land, gold, and goods to support the Crusades and defend the Holy Land."
NARRATOR: At the end of the 11th century, the Knights Templar gathered for an attack on Palestine. The well-equipped army fought its way eastwards to liberate the Holy Land and return it to Christian ownership. Thousands heeded the call and joined the Crusade. The knights divided into seven groups for the long march across Europe, before crossing the sea to the Holy Land. The knights set up their headquarters in Jerusalem. This was where the Grand Master, the undisputed leader of the Templars, sat. He was only answerable to the Pope. Strict organizational rules encouraged blind obedience and unquestioning allegiance in the Knights Templar.
DR. GHISLAIN BRUNEL: "We know for certain that the order enjoyed incredible wealth. Much of it had been taken from France, as well as Spain and England. This money was destined for the Holy Land and was intended to support the knights in their fight to liberate Palestine."
NARRATOR: Money and goods were regularly transported from Europe to Palestine. To organize their supply, the knights set up a system of accounts and cheques. In fact, the Templars laid the foundations for the modern banking system.