Take a look at researchers studying Mississippians copper work from the Cahokian mounds in southwestern Illinois

Take a look at researchers studying Mississippians copper work from the Cahokian mounds in southwestern Illinois
Researchers studying the pre-Columbian copper work from the Cahokia Mounds, southwestern Illinois, U.S. The site was the primary center of the Middle Mississippian culture.
Courtesy of Northwestern University (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
NARRATOR: Pounding a copper nugget with a heavy stone isn't a typical task for Northwestern University researcher Alix Deymier-Black. But her elbow grease and expertise in the area of material science and metals is allowing us a glimpse back in time, into the world of Native American coppersmiths, called the Mississippians, who live in the Cahokian mounds of southeastern Illinois, more than 600 years ago.
ALIX DEYMIER-BLACK: By buying nuggets, or taking pure nuggets, and trying to imitate what we thought the Native American culture was doing, we were able to compare our work to the actual ancient work and say, "well realistically, this is what the Mississippians were doing."
NARRATOR: Deymier-Black and Professor David Dunand are among a team of Northwestern researchers, who analyzed discarded pieces of copper from the ground floor of the recently excavated copper workshop house in Cahokia. With high powered microscopes, they analyzed the grain structures of the prehistoric copper and determined how the metal was likely worked by the Cahokians.
DAVID DUNAND: You look at the structure and you say, "OK what happened to the metal?" The metal has-- in essence a memory of how it was processed. And so we can deduce from what we see a number of things.
NARRATOR: To replicate what they saw under the microscope, they use store bought copper nuggets, a heavy stone, and a furnace set to the temperature of the coals of a wood burning fire, and hammered and annealed the copper into workable thin sheets.
DUNAND: If I had to create an object like this I would do the same. I would thin it, hammer it, and I would put it in a furnace. It's the same technology. They didn't have the scientific understanding of why, but they definitely had the know-how.
NARRATOR: Cahokians were part of a sophisticated civilization that Northwestern University anthropology Professor Jim Brown has been studying for more than a decade. He says the Coppersmiths of Cahokia were important craftsmen.
JIM BROWN: Copper was basically a very sacred mineral. And it was used to fabricate what I call jewelry or what Native Americans would call regalia.
NARRATOR: The scientific analysis of the copper, which was published in the Journal of Archaeological Science also sheds light on how the copper sheets were pieced together and cut. Important information for anthropologists, scientists, and history lovers alike.
BROWN: Confirmation and enlarging by detail. And that's a scientific-- part of the scientific process is giving some of the real details, so that an observer can imagine how it was done. And so hook onto that, other kinds of observations.
NARRATOR: Details and observations about the Cahokian people from the fragments of their way of life, found under that great mounds they left behind.
ALIX DEYMIER-BLACK: By buying nuggets, or taking pure nuggets, and trying to imitate what we thought the Native American culture was doing, we were able to compare our work to the actual ancient work and say, "well realistically, this is what the Mississippians were doing."
NARRATOR: Deymier-Black and Professor David Dunand are among a team of Northwestern researchers, who analyzed discarded pieces of copper from the ground floor of the recently excavated copper workshop house in Cahokia. With high powered microscopes, they analyzed the grain structures of the prehistoric copper and determined how the metal was likely worked by the Cahokians.
DAVID DUNAND: You look at the structure and you say, "OK what happened to the metal?" The metal has-- in essence a memory of how it was processed. And so we can deduce from what we see a number of things.
NARRATOR: To replicate what they saw under the microscope, they use store bought copper nuggets, a heavy stone, and a furnace set to the temperature of the coals of a wood burning fire, and hammered and annealed the copper into workable thin sheets.
DUNAND: If I had to create an object like this I would do the same. I would thin it, hammer it, and I would put it in a furnace. It's the same technology. They didn't have the scientific understanding of why, but they definitely had the know-how.
NARRATOR: Cahokians were part of a sophisticated civilization that Northwestern University anthropology Professor Jim Brown has been studying for more than a decade. He says the Coppersmiths of Cahokia were important craftsmen.
JIM BROWN: Copper was basically a very sacred mineral. And it was used to fabricate what I call jewelry or what Native Americans would call regalia.
NARRATOR: The scientific analysis of the copper, which was published in the Journal of Archaeological Science also sheds light on how the copper sheets were pieced together and cut. Important information for anthropologists, scientists, and history lovers alike.
BROWN: Confirmation and enlarging by detail. And that's a scientific-- part of the scientific process is giving some of the real details, so that an observer can imagine how it was done. And so hook onto that, other kinds of observations.
NARRATOR: Details and observations about the Cahokian people from the fragments of their way of life, found under that great mounds they left behind.