The differences between monocots and eudicots explained

The differences between monocots and eudicots explained
Some of the basic differences between monocotyledons and eudicotyledons.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Flowering plants dominate the surface of the Earth. Two-thirds of the plant species on land have flowers of some kind, which bear fruits with seeds inside.
When we talk about flowers here, we’re not always speaking of brightly colored blooms. For example, the tassels of corn are flowers, too. So are these gray willow catkins. Flowers are as diverse as the plants that create them. Scientists call flowering plants angiosperms. They divide most angiosperms into two categories:
Monocot: a word we say in English, after the full scientific term “monocotyledon,” meaning, “a single seed leaf.” Monocot seeds sprout with one leaf, like wheat does.
… and Eudicot, often called “dicot” for short: a term that follows from the older scientific word “dicotyledon” and the evolution that gave rise to the eudicot category of plants. Eudicot seeds sprout with two leaves, like a bean, for example.
It’s simple to tell whether a plant is a monocot or eudicot by watching its seed sprout. One seed leaf: monocot. Two seed leaves: eudicot. But the differences between these groups go deeper, into other features shared within each group.
Flowers reveal one difference. Important parts of all monocot flowers come in multiples of three. This lily is clearly a monocot. It has three petals and three petal-like sepals.
This hibiscus, on the other hand, is a eudicot. Eudicot flowers usually have parts in multiples of 4 or 5. The hibiscus bloom has 5 petals exactly. This poppy has 4 petals, so it is a eudicot, too.
Without a bloom, one can still tell the difference by the leaves. The veins in monocot leaves run nearly in parallel. Think of a corn leaf. The veins start at the base of the leaf, and run side by side to the tip. This kind of leaf is a monocot design. Orchids, agaves and palms have veins like this in their leaves, too. They are all monocots.
Eudicot leaves are different. The veins in their leaves branch, almost like a tree. In fact, hardwood trees are eudicots. Look at the veins in this maple leaf. The veins start at the stem, branch out to the main parts of the leaf, and continue branching into finer veins. The branching pattern says, the maple tree is a eudicot. This rose’s petals are hard to count. But the branching veins in the leaf are easy to identify as a eudicot design. So roses are eudicots.
More differences between monocots and eudicots become clear with magnification, for example: how the vessels are arranged. In a monocot, the xylem and phloem vessels are scattered through body of the plant. The vessels in this bamboo are fairly evenly distributed, but they are not concentric. This is a monocot design.
But this cross section of a linden stem shows concentric rings of vessels – each ring inside the next – throughout the stem. So the linden tree is a eudicot.
Looking even closer, pollen takes different forms between eudicots and monocots. Every tiny grain of monocot pollen has a single pore or furrow… while every grain of eudicot pollen has three pores or furrows.
The categories within monocots and eudicots are diverse. Some of them are listed here, to show just how diverse they are. The families’ Latin names are in italics.
When we talk about flowers here, we’re not always speaking of brightly colored blooms. For example, the tassels of corn are flowers, too. So are these gray willow catkins. Flowers are as diverse as the plants that create them. Scientists call flowering plants angiosperms. They divide most angiosperms into two categories:
Monocot: a word we say in English, after the full scientific term “monocotyledon,” meaning, “a single seed leaf.” Monocot seeds sprout with one leaf, like wheat does.
… and Eudicot, often called “dicot” for short: a term that follows from the older scientific word “dicotyledon” and the evolution that gave rise to the eudicot category of plants. Eudicot seeds sprout with two leaves, like a bean, for example.
It’s simple to tell whether a plant is a monocot or eudicot by watching its seed sprout. One seed leaf: monocot. Two seed leaves: eudicot. But the differences between these groups go deeper, into other features shared within each group.
Flowers reveal one difference. Important parts of all monocot flowers come in multiples of three. This lily is clearly a monocot. It has three petals and three petal-like sepals.
This hibiscus, on the other hand, is a eudicot. Eudicot flowers usually have parts in multiples of 4 or 5. The hibiscus bloom has 5 petals exactly. This poppy has 4 petals, so it is a eudicot, too.
Without a bloom, one can still tell the difference by the leaves. The veins in monocot leaves run nearly in parallel. Think of a corn leaf. The veins start at the base of the leaf, and run side by side to the tip. This kind of leaf is a monocot design. Orchids, agaves and palms have veins like this in their leaves, too. They are all monocots.
Eudicot leaves are different. The veins in their leaves branch, almost like a tree. In fact, hardwood trees are eudicots. Look at the veins in this maple leaf. The veins start at the stem, branch out to the main parts of the leaf, and continue branching into finer veins. The branching pattern says, the maple tree is a eudicot. This rose’s petals are hard to count. But the branching veins in the leaf are easy to identify as a eudicot design. So roses are eudicots.
More differences between monocots and eudicots become clear with magnification, for example: how the vessels are arranged. In a monocot, the xylem and phloem vessels are scattered through body of the plant. The vessels in this bamboo are fairly evenly distributed, but they are not concentric. This is a monocot design.
But this cross section of a linden stem shows concentric rings of vessels – each ring inside the next – throughout the stem. So the linden tree is a eudicot.
Looking even closer, pollen takes different forms between eudicots and monocots. Every tiny grain of monocot pollen has a single pore or furrow… while every grain of eudicot pollen has three pores or furrows.
The categories within monocots and eudicots are diverse. Some of them are listed here, to show just how diverse they are. The families’ Latin names are in italics.