Witness the launch of the SpaceX Dragon capsule, May 25, 2012

Witness the launch of the SpaceX Dragon capsule, May 25, 2012
Video released by spacecraft maker SpaceX celebrating its Dragon capsule, which on May 25, 2012, became the first commercial spacecraft to dock with the International Space Station.
SpaceX (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
[Music in]
Five, four, three, two, one, zero.
Have lift off of the Falcon 9. Falcon 9 has cleared the tower.
They're initiating the capture of the Dragon. Standing by.
Capture is confirmed.
DON PETTIT: Houston Station, looks like we got us a Dragon by the tail.
I spent quite a bit of time pokin' around in here this morning, just lookin' at the engineering and the layout, and I'm very pleased. So flying up in a—a human-rated Dragon is not gonna be an issue.
[Music out]
Five, four, three, two, one, zero.
Have lift off of the Falcon 9. Falcon 9 has cleared the tower.
They're initiating the capture of the Dragon. Standing by.
Capture is confirmed.
DON PETTIT: Houston Station, looks like we got us a Dragon by the tail.
I spent quite a bit of time pokin' around in here this morning, just lookin' at the engineering and the layout, and I'm very pleased. So flying up in a—a human-rated Dragon is not gonna be an issue.
[Music out]