See how the passionflower ensures cross-pollination

See how the passionflower ensures cross-pollination
Learn about the cross-pollination of the passionflower (Passiflora), which has adapted its anthers and stigmas for pollen transfer by insects.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: The passion-flower has evolved a most interesting method for ensuring cross-pollination.
When the flower opens, the anthers flip over.
Foraging bees brush against the anthers, taking pollen away on their backs.
Some time afterwards the stigmas descend.
Bees who are already carrying pollen from other flowers then transfer pollen to the stigmas as they continue their search for nectar.
When the flower opens, the anthers flip over.
Foraging bees brush against the anthers, taking pollen away on their backs.
Some time afterwards the stigmas descend.
Bees who are already carrying pollen from other flowers then transfer pollen to the stigmas as they continue their search for nectar.