Living in weightlessness: Life on the International Space Station

Living in weightlessness: Life on the International Space Station
Weightlessness as experienced by astronauts on board the International Space Station.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
NARRATOR: On the International Space Station, astronauts adapt to a different sort of lifestyle. Moving often looks like flying. Liquids float about in spherical blobs. Sleeping takes place in a bag tethered to a wall.
This all happens because the astronauts are experiencing a state of weightlessness, or microgravity. Earth's gravity constantly pulls the space station down toward its surface, but the spacecraft is moving forward at a high rate of speed, canceling out the downward pull. Instead of falling straight to Earth, the space station travels in a curve around Earth. This keeps everything on board in a constant state of free fall, which feels like floating to the astronauts.
Weightlessness can have negative effects on the health of astronauts. Because they do not use their muscles in the same manner as on Earth—such as to stand or walk—they run the risk of losing muscle mass. Bone mass also decreases. Astronauts must exercise daily to counteract these effects. But even exercising must be done a little differently. Astronauts must strap themselves to their treadmill or bike before beginning; otherwise, their motions would send them flying off the machine.
This all happens because the astronauts are experiencing a state of weightlessness, or microgravity. Earth's gravity constantly pulls the space station down toward its surface, but the spacecraft is moving forward at a high rate of speed, canceling out the downward pull. Instead of falling straight to Earth, the space station travels in a curve around Earth. This keeps everything on board in a constant state of free fall, which feels like floating to the astronauts.
Weightlessness can have negative effects on the health of astronauts. Because they do not use their muscles in the same manner as on Earth—such as to stand or walk—they run the risk of losing muscle mass. Bone mass also decreases. Astronauts must exercise daily to counteract these effects. But even exercising must be done a little differently. Astronauts must strap themselves to their treadmill or bike before beginning; otherwise, their motions would send them flying off the machine.