Discover the meaning and purpose of the Gettysburg Address delivered by President Abraham Lincoln

Discover the meaning and purpose of the Gettysburg Address delivered by President Abraham Lincoln
Examine the historical context and meaning of U.S. Pres. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
© Civil War Trust (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
The Battle of Gettysburg was the single, bloodiest event to take place in the history of the American Civil War. When it was all said and done, over 10,000 Americans had lost their lives. And from all of this death and devastation, people began to ask themselves a number of important questions.
First and foremost, what does it all mean? What are we to take from all of this death and carnage? Is the preservation of the union or the abolishment of slavery, for that matter, truly worth all of this human loss?
All of these questions would perhaps best be answered four months later in what would become one of the most famous speeches in all of world history. That speech would be the Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Abraham Lincoln right here on this Hillside in Gettysburg.
Lincoln was invited here for a November 19th dedication ceremony to dedicate this Soldier's National Cemetery, the final resting place of over 3,500 Union soldiers who gave their lives in this battle. Lincoln is not the main speaker for this dedication ceremony, and thus he's going to keep his comments rather short and sweet. But that he will eventually rise from the speaker's platform, and he will begin his address by stating that it had only been 87 years earlier that this Nation had been established under the promise that all men are created equal.
He later goes on to say how this awful civil war was worth fighting. Lincoln realized that the fight for freedom in America had been altered here in this very spot.
In Lincoln's view, the United States is the last best hope for free people on earth, and, in his view, that was something that was worth fighting for. And he urges his fellow Americans to consider what is at stake. He speaks of this unfinished work with which this nation must embark on, winning this awful civil war. And indeed, the war would continue, claiming over 620,000 lives in the process, Abraham Lincoln being among the last of them.
Many people in America in the 1860s don't have the basic rights of citizenship. They include women, African-Americans, and Native Americans. Although they don't have the rights of citizenship at this time, it is Lincoln's words, spoken here at Gettysburg, that are embodied in their movements to obtain those basic, American rights, such as casting their vote in an election, letting their voice be heard in a free democracy.
This was some of the work Abraham Lincoln spoke of. And, in many ways, the unfinished work goes on to this very day. Wherever there is oppression, wherever there is injustice, there's work still left to be done. And this is the great task remaining, not only for the generation of the 1860s, but for all generations.
First and foremost, what does it all mean? What are we to take from all of this death and carnage? Is the preservation of the union or the abolishment of slavery, for that matter, truly worth all of this human loss?
All of these questions would perhaps best be answered four months later in what would become one of the most famous speeches in all of world history. That speech would be the Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Abraham Lincoln right here on this Hillside in Gettysburg.
Lincoln was invited here for a November 19th dedication ceremony to dedicate this Soldier's National Cemetery, the final resting place of over 3,500 Union soldiers who gave their lives in this battle. Lincoln is not the main speaker for this dedication ceremony, and thus he's going to keep his comments rather short and sweet. But that he will eventually rise from the speaker's platform, and he will begin his address by stating that it had only been 87 years earlier that this Nation had been established under the promise that all men are created equal.
He later goes on to say how this awful civil war was worth fighting. Lincoln realized that the fight for freedom in America had been altered here in this very spot.
In Lincoln's view, the United States is the last best hope for free people on earth, and, in his view, that was something that was worth fighting for. And he urges his fellow Americans to consider what is at stake. He speaks of this unfinished work with which this nation must embark on, winning this awful civil war. And indeed, the war would continue, claiming over 620,000 lives in the process, Abraham Lincoln being among the last of them.
Many people in America in the 1860s don't have the basic rights of citizenship. They include women, African-Americans, and Native Americans. Although they don't have the rights of citizenship at this time, it is Lincoln's words, spoken here at Gettysburg, that are embodied in their movements to obtain those basic, American rights, such as casting their vote in an election, letting their voice be heard in a free democracy.
This was some of the work Abraham Lincoln spoke of. And, in many ways, the unfinished work goes on to this very day. Wherever there is oppression, wherever there is injustice, there's work still left to be done. And this is the great task remaining, not only for the generation of the 1860s, but for all generations.