Who were the Sons of Liberty?

Who were the Sons of Liberty?
Learn more about the Sons of Liberty and the lead-up to the American Revolution.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
The Sons of Liberty was an American colonial organization formed to oppose unfair British taxation and fight for the rights of the colonists.
The Sons of Liberty was formed in the summer of 1765 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Its name was taken from a speech given in the British Parliament by Isaac Barré, a member of Parliament, in which he referred to rebellious colonists as the “sons of liberty.”
As their revolutionary spirit grew in August 1765, a group of men who later became members of the Sons of Liberty met under an elm tree in Hanover Square, Boston—the “Liberty Tree.”
During this meeting, they hung an effigy of Andrew Oliver, who had been commissioned as stamp tax collector in Boston, from the Liberty Tree.
This effigy was eventually beheaded, and Oliver’s properties were plundered and burned.
Oliver’s subsequent resignation proved that threats and violence were effective means of rebellion for the colonists.
The Townshend Acts were passed by Parliament in 1767, which increased the number of taxes on the colonies while denying them a say. Angered, the Sons of Liberty organized boycotts of British goods. The arrival of soldiers led to the Boston Massacre, in which British soldiers fired at an angry mob and five colonists were killed.
In the wake of the massacre, the Sons created publications depicting the British troops as murderers and calling for their removal.
The Sons were also directly involved in the Boston Tea Party, during which 342 chests of British tea were thrown into the water.
In retaliation, the British passed the Intolerable Acts in 1774, which increased Parliament’s authority in America.
The colonists convened the First Continental Congress, during which the colonies asserted their loyalty to the British crown while threatening action if taxation continued.
The Sons of Liberty disbanded about 1783, with the end of the Revolutionary War, their goal of freedom from British oppression having effectively been achieved in 1781.
While some view the organization as terrorist for its violent actions, its role in bringing about the American Revolution is undeniable.