bird family
Also known as: curassow family
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In galliform: Annotated classification
Family Cracidae (chachalacas, guans, and curassows)Tail moderately long and broad. Plumage black or brown, duller in female. Most species with bare skin between eyes and beak (lores), some with fleshy wattles or other ornaments on face or crown. Medium to large; length 52–99 cm (20–39…
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inclusion of curassow
- In curassow
…American birds of the family Cracidae (order Galliformes). Strictly, it refers to 7–12 species in which the male is glossy black (often with a white belly) and has a curled crest of feathers and a brightly coloured bill ornament; the female, lacking the ornament, is smaller and brownish. Curassows are…
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