amphibian family
Also known as: cryptobranchid
Learn about this topic in these articles:
annotated classification
- In Caudata: Annotated classification
Family Cryptobranchidae (Asiatic giant salamanders and hellbenders)Very large, to about 180 cm; aquatic; no lacrimal or septomaxillary bones in skull; vomerine teeth parallel to marginal teeth; Late Paleocene (58.7 million–56 million years ago) to present; Japan, China, and eastern United States; 2 genera (Andrias and…
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- In Caudata: Main patterns
The cryptobranchids, sirenids, proteids, and amphiumids are all unusual, considering that they are tetrapods, in that they are fully to mainly aquatic and have retained larval traits (paedomorphosis) to a great degree. The other families have adults that are generalized
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