dinosaur family
Also known as: fabrosaur, fabrosaurid
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- In ornithopod
…consisted of several subgroups, including Fabrosauridae, Heterodontosauridae, Hypsilophodontidae, Iguanodontidae, and Hadrosauridae (the duck-billed dinosaurs). The fabrosaurs were the earliest and most primitive of the ornithopods; these small, lightly built dinosaurs reached lengths of 60–120 cm (2–4 feet). The heterodontosaurs began to develop the horny beaks and specialized teeth typical of…
Read More - In dinosaur: Ornithopoda
In the fabrosaurids the teeth were simple leaf-shaped, laterally compressed elements arranged in a single front-to-back row in each jaw. They were not set in from the outer cheek surface as in most ornithopods. Small incisor-like teeth were borne on the premaxillary bones above, but (as always)…
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