- Related Topics:
- antelope
- Eotragus
- Antilopinae
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Despite the many different species of bovids, their social organization can be categorized as either unsocial or social, and their mating system can be categorized as monogamous and territorial, polygynous and territorial, or based on a male dominance hierarchy. Furthermore, there is a clear dichotomy between bovids that live in closed habitats (e.g., forest and bush) and those that live in open habitats (e.g., plains and mountains). Through the process of convergence, species of different lineages that have adapted for similar habitats come to share a number of correlated traits. Thus, closed-habitat bovids (e.g., duiker, dik-dik, and reedbuck) have a body plan that is adapted for moving in dense undergrowth, rely on hiding and concealing coloration to avoid predators, browse selectively on nonfibrous vegetation, are solitary or monogamous, and are territorial. Open-habitat bovids are mostly medium to large, do not hide except in early infancy, have a build adapted for flight in the open, have a conspicuous and distinctive coloration that advertises their presence and species, are mainly grazers or mixed feeders (graze and browse), and form herds.
Whether the mating system is territorial or based on a male dominance hierarchy may be linked to phylogeny. The members of the subfamilies Caprinae and Bovinae, which appear to have separated from the main bovid line very early, are virtually all nonterritorial. For the rest, the Antilopinae and the duiker tribe, breeding males are territorial. All African bovids bear single young, whereas twins are common among the Antilopini, Caprini, and Boselaphini of the Northern Hemisphere.
Richard Estes