- Also called:
- canid
- Related Topics:
- wolf
- fox
- jackal
- South American fox
- Tomarctus
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is undoubtedly the canine of the greatest economic significance, particularly in Western societies, because of its importance as a pet. It was probably the first wild animal to be domesticated, and dogs have been found associated with Neolithic sites dating back more than 10,000 years. (For more information on the domestic dog, see dog.)
Some canines are important to the fur trade. At one time, a mutant form of the red fox called the silver fox formed a significant part of the fur-farming industry. Today the red fox is the second most important animal in fur farming, after the American mink (Neovison vison). The raccoon dog is still raised in some regions of Russia and Finland. The gray fox, Arctic fox, coyote, and gray wolf are also significant sources of fur, but several others are also occasionally used by the fur trade. In Europe the red fox is hunted primarily for sport. (See foxhunting.)
Many canine species, especially the red fox, are susceptible to the rabies virus. In Europe management of fox rabies through culling and distribution of vaccine-loaded baits is a costly program. There is no cure for this fatal disease in humans, but preexposure vaccination of pets and people and postexposure vaccination of humans provide immunity against the disease. Few species are utilized by man for food, but some Native Americans once regarded dog meat as a delicacy to be eaten on special occasions. Dog meat is also consumed in eastern Asia.
Paleontology and classification
Among the carnivores, canines are more closely related to bears and weasels than to felines, civets, mongooses, and hyenas. Family Canidae was originally endemic to North America, where fossils indicate a widespread presence during the Late Eocene Epoch (approximately 35 million years ago) and into the late Miocene Epoch (about 10 million years ago). In the Old World the earliest fossils date from the late Miocene of Spain. Canids then spread over Eurasia by 9 million years ago, Africa by 4–5 million years ago, and South America by 2 million years ago.
- Family Canidae (canines)
- 36 species in 12 genera found worldwide, not including the Falkland Island wolf (Dusicyon australis), a foxlike species that was hunted to extinction in the late 1800s.
- Genus Vulpes (foxes)
- 12 species of Europe, Asia, and Africa, including the Arctic fox of the northern polar region.
- Genus Pseudalopex (South American foxes)
- 6 species of South America.
- Genus Urocyon (gray foxes)
- 2 species of North and South America, one of which lives only on the Channel Islands off the California coast.
- Genus Atelocynus (small-eared zorro)
- 1 species of South America.
- Genus Cerdocyon (crab-eating fox)
- 1 species of South America.
- Genus Chrysocyon (maned wolf)
- 1 species of South America.
- Genus Cuon (dhole)
- 1 species of Asia.
- Genus Lycaon (African hunting dog)
- 1 species of Africa.
- Genus Nyctereutes (raccoon dog)
- 1 species of eastern Asia.
- Genus Otocyon (bat-eared fox)
- 1 species of Africa.
- Genus Speothos (bush dog)
- 1 species of South America.