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- sardine
- herring
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- Clupeoidei
- Denticipitoidei
clupeiform, (order Clupeiformes), any member of the superorder Clupeomorpha, a group of bony fishes with one living order, the Clupeiformes, that contains some of the world’s most numerous and economically important fishes. The order includes more than 400 species, about 20 of which provide more than one-third of the world fish catch. Clupeiforms are by far the most heavily exploited of all fish groups.
General features
Most clupeiforms are small marine fishes, under 30 cm (12 inches) in length, slender, streamlined, and rather nonspecialized in body form; a few species exceed 50 cm (about 20 inches) in length. The wolf herring, Chirocentrus dorab, is exceptional in size among the clupeiforms; this species reaches 3.6 metres (12 feet).
Authorities disagree on many aspects of the classification of the order Clupeiformes. In 1966 a sweeping revision of the bony fishes by British ichthyologist P.H. Greenwood and American ichthyologists D.E. Rosen, Stanley H. Weitzman, and George S. Myers restricted the order to the families Clupeidae (herrings, sardines, and allies), Engraulidae (anchovies), Chirocentridae (wolf herrings), and Denticipitidae (a family containing the denticle herrings [Denticeps clupeoides]). The last two families are of purely scientific interest; the dominant members of the order, in abundance and therefore in economic importance, are the herrings, sardines, pilchards, menhadens, sprats, anchovies, and anchovetas. Modern classifications also include the families Sundasalangidae (Sundaland noodlefishes) and Pristigasteridae (ilishas, longfin herrings, and pellonas). Other fish groups formerly included in the Clupeiformes are the tarpons and bonefishes, salmons, trouts, pikes, bony tongues, and mormyrs.
Most clupeiforms inhabit more or less offshore open waters in abundant schools. Although usually considered pelagic (inhabiting the open ocean), in relation to distribution and life history, they are closer to the neritic (coastal) fauna because they do not usually occur in the really open parts of the oceans; rather, they stay close to shore and in bays. Even the truly pelagic and migratory species spawn close to shore. The geographical distribution of the order is limited mainly by temperature and salinity. About 70 percent of the species occurs in tropical waters, only few visiting subtropical regions. More than 20 species are limited to purely boreal and subarctic distribution. Remarkably few species are found in the Southern Hemisphere.
With respect to salinity, clupeiform fishes represent a fairly mixed group: most of them, approximately half of the living species, are wholly marine. The remaining species are either anadromous (living in the sea but entering fresh water to breed) or wholly freshwater fishes. The order includes some marine genera with large numbers of species, such as Sardinella and Harengula, which together comprise more than 60 genera and nearly 220 species. There are fewer anadromous clupeids, about 10 genera with 40 species, distributed mostly in temperate regions but some in subtropical areas. Freshwater clupeiform fishes include 31 species in 16 genera, most of them limited to the tropics. Nine genera with 15 species inhabit the rivers and lakes of Central and West Africa, and six species are distributed in freshwater environments of the Indo-Malayan Archipelago and Australia. In addition, two genera with four species occur in fresh waters of India, and some species of the genera Sigualosa and Dorosoma occur in Central America. Furthermore, a few single species of otherwise marine genera are found in the Amazon River (Rhinosardinia amazonica), in the rivers of Borneo (Ilisha macrogaster), and in freshwater lakes of the Philippines (Harengula tawilis). A few other species also occasionally occur in fresh water.

Of the families and subfamilies of the Clupeiformes, the subfamilies Dussumieriinae (round herrings) and Clupeinae (typical herrings) and the family Chirocentridae are purely marine. Other groups, such as the family Denticipitidae and subfamily Pellonulinae, are limited to fresh water. The subfamilies Alosinae (shads and alewives) and Dorosomatinae (gizzard shads), along with some members of the family Pristigasteridae, inhabit anadromous, freshwater, brackish, or marine environments. Lastly, members of the family Engraulidae are brackish or marine.