combtooth blenny
Also known as: Blenniidae, blenniid
Learn about this topic in these articles:
annotated classification
- In perciform: Annotated classification
Family Blenniidae (combtooth blennies) Eocene to present. Resemble clinids in fins and body shape but differ in being scaleless and in having a steep forehead and only a single row of teeth in both jaws, the teeth being close-set, long, comblike. Sometimes a pair of large to…
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types of blenny
- In blenny
…with about 180 species, and Blenniidae, or blenniids, with about 300. Family Clinidae—a group made up of kelpfishes, fringeheads, and others—are carnivorous fishes that are usually less than 30 cm (12 inches) long. They have a long, many-spined dorsal fin and usually a rather pointed nose. Many have fringed tentacles…
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