Most falconiforms are directly beneficial—feeding on pests or carrion—or neutral—feeding on animals and birds that do not directly affect humans. Entirely beneficial species include vultures, elanine kites, kestrels and other small insectivorous falcons, most buzzards (Buteo and related species), and many small eagles. Neutral species, such as snake eagles and chanting goshawks, can safely be ignored.
A few species, usually large and uncommon, may prey on domestic stock or poultry or on game birds or fish. However, because of ignorance and unreasoning prejudice, it is not uncommon for all species in an area to be indiscriminately killed, even rendered locally extinct. Detailed quantitative studies invariably have shown that the harm done to human interests by any falconiform has been grossly exaggerated; even the supposedly harmful species often kill other potentially harmful species—e.g., crows, rats, weasels. The predation effect of any species is relatively small in relation to the total number of potential prey in any home range. Moreover, even in potentially harmful species, few individuals of potential or actual interest to humans are taken. In North America and Australia, where large eagles were destroyed on a greater scale than elsewhere, persecution was not based on even rudimentary assessment of the eagles’ diet and appetite. Objective analysis of predation habits indicates that protection is deserved except where extensive damage can be proved. Unfortunately, extensive damage is frequently claimed without proof; for instance, in the southwestern United States, the golden eagle has been persecuted for alleged damage to sheep, a claim improbable in any event and impossible on the scale claimed. Real damage to human interests is greatest under poor livestock-management conditions—for instance, when underfed poultry are on free range or weak lambs live on overgrazed pasture. In rare cases, such as where hatchery trout or reared pheasants are unnaturally concentrated, individual hawks or eagles may have to be controlled.
Falconiforms need no protection except from man. Conservation problems, therefore, entail conserving raptors living in or passing through inhabited areas. Overcollecting for zoos and museums and for falconry has affected some species, as has collection of specimens or eggs of threatened species for commercial purposes. In a few instances, chiefly of island species such as the Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), control of such activity is urgent. Preservation efforts must include the control of habitat destruction; of active persecution by shooting, trapping, poisoning, and collecting of eggs of threatened species; and of the widespread toxic effects of persistent agricultural and industrial chemicals.
Agriculture, in and of itself, destroys some types of habitat, especially forests, but creates others in the process. In Africa, for instance, some forest falconiforms may be eliminated, but much larger populations of adaptable species such as black kites, hooded vultures, and long-crested eagles may move in. The effect of agriculture is not always detrimental, especially when a mixed landscape of forest and open country results. Before the advent of pesticides such as DDT and dieldrin, the peregrine was most numerous in Britain in habitats close to agricultural areas with a mixed landscape of forest and open country and high populations of avian prey. A sparse population of rural cultivators may have no appreciable effect on a mixed population of falconiforms over long periods of time.
Toxic agricultural chemicals are the most difficult of conservation problems because of their subtle and widespread effects (affecting even migrant populations of some hawks that breed in uninhabited areas) and the benefits they confer on human food supplies. The best hope, other than the development of less-toxic substances, is an understanding of the probably serious overall effect long-lasting poisons have on the whole environment. If, as appears likely, chemicals will eventually affect humans adversely, control of these chemicals will follow, and the falconiforms will benefit indirectly.