gentoo penguin
gentoo penguin, (Pygoscelis papua), species of penguin (order Sphenisciformes) characterized by a band of white feathers extending across the top of the head from just above each eye. Other distinguishing features include a black throat, a brush tail that is large in comparison with other penguin species, and a bill that is mostly deep orange or red.
The species may be divided into two subspecies that inhabit several Antarctic and subantarctic islands. The larger subspecies, Pygoscelis papua papua, lives on a number of islands between 40° and 60° S, including the Falkland and South Sandwich islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the Crozet and Kerguelen islands in the Indian Ocean, and Macquarie Island in the Pacific Ocean. In contrast, P. papua ellsworthi inhabits the Antarctic Peninsula and its nearby islands. This taxonomy was called into question by a 2020 study of the penguin’s morphological and genetic characters, which showed evidence that gentoos comprised not one species but four—P. taeniata (Kerguelen Island), P. papua (Falkland Islands), P. ellsworthi (Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands), and P. poncetii (South Georgia).
Physical features
When compared with other penguin species, gentoo penguins rank third in body size behind emperor (Aptenodytes forsteri) and king penguins (A. patagonicus). Adults average 75 cm (about 30 inches) in length, although some individuals with lengths of 95 cm (37 inches) have been observed. While the average adult weighs about 5 kg (11 pounds), some adults can weigh as much as 8.5 kg (about 19 pounds) just before the beginning of the molting period, which occurs just after the young are old enough to leave the nest. Although males are roughly 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) heavier than females, both sexes closely resemble one another. Both have black backs and white undersides and possess the characteristic white coloration above each eye and orange-red bill. Adults and juveniles are similar in size and coloration; in juveniles, however, many of the throat feathers have yet to darken, and the white feathers above each eye are less pronounced. In addition, juveniles display more white spots amid the black feathers on other parts of their bodies. In contrast, the downy feathers of chicks are gray.

Feeding habits
Gentoo penguins are the world’s fastest underwater birds. When foraging for food or eluding predators, they can reach speeds up to 36 km (about 22 miles) per hour. They are also capable of diving to depths of 170–200 metres (about 560–660 feet). Like many other penguin species, they subsist on small fish, cephalopods, and krill (Euphausia) and other crustaceans. At sea, gentoo penguins are prey for South American sea lions (Otaria byronia), Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii), leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx), and killer whales (Orcinus orca). On land, chicks and eggs are vulnerable to skuas (Catharacta), sheathbills (Chionis), and caracaras (Caracara). Giant fulmars (Macronectes giganteus), which often kill juveniles and chicks, have also been known to attack and kill adults.
Nesting and breeding
Gentoo penguins form sizable colonies of a few hundred adults on flat ice-free areas of grass or rock adjacent to sandy beaches. Although some adults leave their breeding colonies for roughly five months of the year, some remain there year-round. Breeding pairs, most of which are monogamous, construct new nests made of stones, grasses, and debris each year.
The breeding season begins as early as late June and may last until November, depending on the location of the colony and the ability of the breeding pair to produce a second clutch of eggs if the first one is lost. Egg laying largely occurs throughout the species’ geographic range during October and November, and each clutch contains two eggs, which are laid within three days of one another. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs over the following 34–37 days. After the eggs hatch, both parents forage and feed the young chicks, who remain in the nest for roughly one month. The chicks then form a “crèche” (or group) with other members of their cohort for protection while their parents are away gathering food. Fledging, the stage in which the young are prepared for adulthood, ends during February and March when the chicks are 14 weeks old, when the juveniles leave the nest to forage in the sea; however, some fully fledged juveniles will return to the nest periodically to be fed by their parents. Young gentoo penguins become sexually mature at two years of age, and many individuals live as long as 13 years.
Conservation status
In 2007 ecologists estimated that gentoo numbers exceeded 600,000 individuals. Although the size of some populations has fallen rapidly, possibly due to competition with humans for squid and other prey, other populations are steadily increasing. Until the 1990s Falkland Islanders collected eggs from gentoo penguin nests early in the egg-laying season to supplement egg production from hens; however, this practice allowed the penguins to produce a second clutch with no detrimental effects on local populations. The skins and blubber of gentoo penguins have been harvested to make clothing and oil, respectively; however, hunting the species is outlawed at present. Although the species had been listed as near threatened on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species since 2004, the gentoo penguin was reclassified as a species of least concern in 2016..