Features of immature stages

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Also known as: hymenopteran

Egg and larva

The eggs of parasitic forms are often attached to a surface by means of a pedicel, or stalk. In some forms, the pedicel may be five or six times the length of the egg itself.

The larva typically has a distinct head region, three thoracic segments, and usually nine or 10 abdominal segments. In the suborder Symphyta, the larvae are usually caterpillar-like. The head covering is especially tough and the mouthparts powerfully developed. There are usually three pairs of legs on the thorax and six or eight on the abdomen. Symphyta larvae that are wood borers or stem borers have no abdominal legs and the thoracic legs are smaller than those of nonborers.

With rare exceptions larvae of the suborder Apocrita have no legs and are maggotlike in form. The head covering is softer and thinner than in the Symphyta. In parasitic forms, the head is often greatly reduced and partially withdrawn into the prothorax (anterior part of the thorax). Sense organs appear to be poorly developed, with no ocelli, very small or absent antennae, and toothlike, sicklelike, or spinelike mandibles. In most Apocrita larvae the stomach is a blind sac until the final larval stage, when it opens into the intestine. The larvae of stinging forms (Aculeata) generally have 10 pairs of spiracles, or breathing pores, whereas parasitic forms usually have nine pairs present.


In the Apocrita, the final stage, the prepupa, begins to show certain adult features such as wings and adult legs. The prothoracic segment has begun to distend because of the growing head. The first abdominal segment, or propodium, becomes part of the thorax. The pupa is exarate, meaning that the developing adult appendages (legs and wings) are separate from the body rather than molded into its surface.

A cocoon is usually formed. It may be parchmentlike in texture, made of soil particles, or, in stinging forms, a thin, silken lining within the larval cell. Certain ants form no cocoon whatever.

Special adaptations

A great variety of structural adaptations have evolved in hymenopterans, and several interesting ones will be discussed here. In worker bees, hairs on the tarsi of the forelegs are used to brush pollen from flowers. The tarsi of the forelegs and middle legs are used to brush pollen from hairs on the body of the bee. During the flight from one blossom to another, the collected pollen is passed to pollen-bearing organs, which vary among different kinds of bees.

Some primitive bees (e.g., in the families Colletidae and Halictidae) have masses of long hairs on the basal segments (coxae, trochanters, femurs) of the hind legs and on the undersurface of the abdomen. These hairs constitute the scopa, or pollen-bearing structure. In many colletids and halictids, the scopa is limited to the hind legs. In two subfamilies, Panurginae and Anthophorinae, the scopa is enlarged on the fourth segment (tibiae) of the hind legs and reduced or absent on the abdomen and on the basal leg segments. In the social bees, the scopa is limited to the outer sides of the hind tibiae, where it consists of long hairs surrounding a smooth area, the entire structure being called a pollen basket, or corbicula. In leaf-cutting bees (Megachilidae), the scopa is limited to the underside of the abdomen. In some colletids (Hyaleinae), the scopa is absent, and the pollen, mixed with nectar, is carried to the nest in the crop (anterior end of the digestive tract).

Special senses

Reproduction, the search for food, and, in the case of social species, coordinated group activity require highly developed sensory and orientative capability. In these respects the Hymenoptera are the most advanced of the insects.


It has been demonstrated that the eye of the bee is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation but is blind to red light. White flowers, which only partially reflect ultraviolet as a rule, appear colored to a bee. Certain color combinations, while invisible to the human eye, are not only visible but also may be of special interest to bees. In response to certain color combinations, they instinctively extend the proboscis (feeding organ) into the flower for nectar.

Some flowers that appear entirely yellow to the human eye reflect ultraviolet from the outer ends of the petals. Only the inner part, then, appears yellow to the bee, directing it to the nectar source.

The faceted compound eye of the insect is apparently unable to perceive forms in sharp outline, and it seems to be the patterns of flowers that attract bees rather than their geometric shapes. In addition, striking landmarks serve for orientation from the hive to the food source.


Recognition of a member of the same species and colony and discovery of a mate and of the nest are largely determined by smell. Guards at the beehive entrance smell every bee who seeks to enter to determine if she belongs to the colony, because each colony has its own specific odor.

Ants use scent marks, which they place on their pathways. They are thus able to find their way back to the nest and direct other colony members to a food source. When danger threatens, ants, wasps, and bees secrete an alarm substance. This marks the place of danger and notifies other colony members to be on the alert.

During the nuptial flight of honeybees, the queen announces her presence to the drones by releasing a substance from her mandibular gland. If this secretion is obtained experimentally and sent aloft by means of a balloon, a swarm of drones will gather around it. A queen bee constantly identifies herself in the hive by means of the so-called queen substance, which also originates from the mandibular gland. This secretion, passed by certain workers in minute portions to all hive mates, inhibits ovary development in workers. It is also perceived by smelling and controls certain types of behavior. As long as the odor is present in the hive, the bees are unable to produce new queen cells. If the queen disappears or is weak, this substance is no longer produced or is produced in reduced amounts. At that time substitute queens are immediately produced from young larvae. The sense of smell is also essential to many parasitic forms in their search for a host. Some parasites can detect, chemically, whether another parasite has already laid an egg in an intended host. If such is the case, no egg will be deposited by the second visitor.


Nest building and mutual communication are aided in numerous ways by mechanical means of orientation. Wasp and bee nests, which have horizontal and vertical combs, as well as ant nests are designed with respect to gravity. Highly developed gravity-sensing organs have been found in bees and ants. Hair tufts on the neck and in the leg joints sense the response of the various body parts to gravity. In this way the individual parts of the body assist the organs of balance, and the brain is informed of each change in position. In ants the hair tufts on the basal antennae segment also are used for the perception of gravity.

Paleontology and classification


According to S.I. Malyshev, a Soviet entomologist, the first hymenopterans appeared in the Mesozoic Era (252.2 million to 66 million years ago)—about the same time as the first butterflies, moths, and flies. It is his thesis that the Hymenoptera derived from the so-called Eumecoptera—ancestors of the modern scorpion fly (order Mecoptera), the first insects to undergo complete metamorphosis. Other experts fix the appearance of the first hymenopterans in the middle of the Jurassic Period (201.3 million to 145 million years ago). So-called protohymenopterans, found in Permian beds (250 million years old) in Kansas, have been regarded by some paleoentomologists as ancestral to the modern order. These resembled modern sawflies in having forewings and hindwings of about equal size and in lacking marginal hooklets for joining the two pairs.

True sawflies (Tenthredinoidea) also are known from the Jurassic Period. Because of the many longitudinal veins in the wings of these forms, some believe they share a common origin with cockroaches, which have wings that exhibit a similar vein pattern.

The earliest fossil ants date to about 100 million years ago, during the Cretaceous Period. Fossil ants have been found in both Europe and North America, and some of them have been assigned to currently existing genera. Males, females, and workers were already clearly differentiated in ants at that time.

The first bees, according to the fossil record, were members of the family Melittidae that appeared roughly 100 million years ago. Since many of the flowering plants depend upon bees for pollination, it is believed that such plants and bees evolved at about the same time. The aculeates, or stinging Hymenoptera, were one of the most recent large groups of insects to evolve. By the Tertiary Period (66 million to 2.6 million years ago) both parasitic forms and aculeates had become abundant.