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- Related Topics:
- pinniped
- sealing
- eared seal
- earless seal
- Seals
- 32 species belonging to 17 genera in 2 families. Together with walruses, seals and sea lions are classified as pinnipeds (suborder Pinnipedia).
- Family Phocidae (true, or earless, seals)
- 18 species in 10 genera.
- Genus Phoca (common seals)
- 7 species of the Northern Hemisphere: the Baikal seal, Caspian seal, harbour seal, harp seal, ribbon seal, ringed seal, and spotted seal.
- Genus Monachus (monk seals)
- 2 species of the Mediterranean Sea and Hawaii. A third, the Caribbean monk seal, became extinct in the latter half of the 20th century.
- Genus Mirounga (elephant seals)
- 2 coastal species, one from the Southern Hemisphere, one from the Baja California Peninsula to southeastern Alaska.
- Genus Cystophora (hooded seal)
- 1 North Atlantic Ocean and Arctic species.
- Genus Erignathus (bearded seal)
- 1 Arctic species.
- Genus Halichoerus (gray seal)
- 1 North Atlantic Ocean species.
- Genus Hydrurga (leopard seal)
- 1 Antarctic species.
- Genus Leptonychotes (Weddell seal)
- 1 Antarctic species.
- Genus Lobodon (crabeater seal)
- 1 Antarctic species.
- Genus Ommatophoca (Ross seal)
- 1 Antarctic species.
- Genus Arctocephalus (southern fur seals)
- 8 species, primarily of the Southern Hemisphere.
- Genus Callorhinus (northern fur seal)
- 1 species of the North Pacific Ocean.
- Genus Eumetopias (Steller sea lion)
- 1 species of the North Pacific Ocean.
- Genus Neophoca (Australian sea lion)
- 1 species of Australia.
- Genus Otaria (South American sea lion)
- 1 species primarily of western South America.
- Genus Phocarctos (New Zealand sea lion)
- 1 species of New Zealand.
- Genus Zalophus (California sea lion)
- 1 species of the North Pacific Ocean.