spotted linsang
Also known as: Prionodon pardicolor
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characteristics of viverrids
- In viverrid: Viverrid diversity
…the viverrid family is the spotted linsang (Prionodon pardicolor), which weighs 0.6 kg (1.3 pounds). The two largest species are the African civet (Civettictis civetta) and the fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) of Madagascar, both of which can reach 20 kg. The most common viverrid, however, is the European genet (Genetta genetta),…
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species of linsang
- In linsang
…linsang (Prionodon linsang), and the spotted linsang (Prionodon pardicolor) vary in colour, but all resemble elongated cats. They grow to a length of 33–43 cm (13–17 inches), excluding a banded tail almost as long, and have slender bodies, relatively narrow heads, elongated muzzles, retractile claws, and dense, close fur.
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