- Related Topics:
- Thripidae
- Tubulifera
- Terebrantia
- Merothripidae
- Heterothripidae
The larva
In the larvae, the compound eyes are composed of a few facets, simple eyes (ocelli) are absent, antennal segments are fewer than in the adult, the middle portion of the body (thorax) is simple, the lower part of the leg (tarsus) is always one segmented (although also occasionally so in some adults), and the wings and genitalia are not developed. Larval bristles (setae) often differ in form, number, and arrangement from adult setae. Occasionally additional processes such as spines, combs, and plates are found on larvae.
The adult
The head of a thrips is slightly skewed with the mouth cone directed posteriorly. Generally the antennae, which in most species are nine-segmented, are frequently reduced by fusion and project forward in front of the eyes. Of the mouthparts only the single left mandible is developed and the maxillae are modified into piercing stylets. Both the maxillae and the labium bear segmented sensory projections (palps).
The middle portion of the body (thorax) bears the legs. The first part of the thorax (prothorax) of thrips bears the forelegs, the inner parts (coxae) of which may exhibit ridges that when rubbed with spurs from the lower parts (femurs) emit sounds, although these cannot be detected by the human ear without amplification. The remainder of the thorax (pterothorax) bears the wings as well as the mid and hind legs. The wings are usually fairly simple and straplike. At rest they are laid over the abdomen but never folded. Typically the wings have long posterior hairlike fringes with shorter fringes occurring on the leading edge.
The abdomen is elongated and generally flattened dorso-ventrally, especially in the Tubulifera. There are 10 distinctive segments with a rudiment of the 11th. The first and eighth abdominal segments bear breathing holes (spiracles). Often in the Tubulifera, several setae on the back are S-shaped and hook into the wing fringes to hold the wings at rest. In the Terebrantia the terminal segment is rounded in the males and split ventrally up to the eighth segment in the females. In the Tubulifera the terminal segment is tubelike.
The male genital organs are composed of paired appendages and an unpaired copulatory organ (aedeagus), all of which retract into the abdomen. The paired testes and accessory glands with their ducts occur in the posterior half of the abdomen. The female of the Terebrantia usually has an ovipositor composed of two pairs of sawlike blades. These are absent in the Tubulifera. There are eight egg sacs (ovarioles) and spherical, often pigmented, seminal receptacle for storage of sperm acquired during mating.
Evolution, paleontology, and classification
The Thysanoptera are part of the Psocoptera or Corrodentia-Hemiptera phyletic line of insects. Their origin may have been correlated with the development of the left mandible as an efficient chisel for piercing pollen granules. Possibly during the period when ancestral types were pollen feeders early thrips proliferated into a distinct order, which has since become diverse. Because of their small size, the development of fringed wings seemingly was favoured to overcome disproportionate drag on the wings’ upstroke.
The earliest fossil, Permothrips longipennis, seems closest to the family Aeolothripidae, the most generalized and perhaps ancestral type. All extant families are known from fossils embedded in amber. The most advanced groups are the families Thripidae and Phlaeothripidae. The terebrantian families mostly retain their habit of feeding on vascular plants and pollen. Many members of the single extant tubiferan family Phlaeothripidae have adjusted to feeding in detritus.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
Although no particular structure is absolutely indicative of a taxonomic level, many features are useful in separating the major groups of Thysanoptera. The form of the antennae and its appendages, the shape and structure of the forewing, abdominal characters including form of the ovipositor in females, and glandular and setal location are important characters for determining the familial relationships. At the generic and species level antennal details, mouthparts, and body sculpturing are useful taxonomic characters, along with colour and bristle arrangement.