true toad
Also known as: Bufonidae, bufonid
Learn about this topic in these articles:
annotated classification
- In frog and toad: Annotated classification
Family Bufonidae (true toads) Paleocene (65.5 million–55.8 million years ago) to present; 5 to 8 presacral vertebrae; pectoral girdle arciferal or partly or even completely firmisternal; intercalary cartilages and omosternum absent; Bidder’s organ present; maxillary teeth present or absent; aquatic larvae, direct development, or live birth (Nectophrynoides…
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- In frog and toad: Size range and diversity of structure
The families Bufonidae, Rhinophrynidae, and Microhylidae and certain burrowing species in other families have relatively short hind limbs and move forward by series of short hops. Some bufonids actually walk instead of hop. Highly modified members of the hylid subfamily Phyllomedusinae have opposable digits on the hands…
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