upside-down catfish
Also known as: Mochokidae
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In ostariophysan: Annotated classification
Family Mochokidae (upside-down catfishes) Bony shield on head and nape. Some swim upside-down. Food fishes. Size to 60 cm (24 inches). Africa. 11 genera, 179 species. Family Ariidae (sea catfishes) Nasal barbels lacking; oral incubation of eggs. Food fishes. Marine, a few entering fresh water. Tropical coasts,…
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swimming posture
- In ostariophysan: Swimming
…bizarre of all are the upside-down catfishes (Mochokidae) of Africa, which can swim either in the normal position or inverted, with the belly uppermost; in one species, Synodontis batensoda, the coloration of the belly is darker than the back, a reversal of the usual pigmentation pattern. Displacement of the swim…
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