Applied arts
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- ancient Egyptian architecture
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Gold provided Egyptian jewelry with its richness; it was used for settings, cloisonné work, chains, and beads, both solid and hollow. Soldering, granulation, and wire making were practiced. Precious stones were not used, but a wide range of semiprecious stones was exploited: carnelian, amethyst, garnet, red and yellow jasper, lapis lazuli, feldspar, turquoise, agate. Additional colors and textures were provided by faience and glass.
Ancient Egyptian jewelers had a fine eye for color and an excellent sense of design. From the earliest dynasties come bracelets from the tomb of King Djer at Abydos; from the 4th dynasty, the armlets of Queen Hetepheres, of silver inlaid with carnelian, turquoise, and lapis lazuli. There are examples of splendid and delicate jewelry dating from the Middle Kingdom; in particular, pieces were found at Dahshūr and Al-Lāhūn—circlets of Princess Khnumet, pectorals of Princess Sithathor and Queen Meret, and girdles of Princess Sithathor-iunet.
The large and spectacular collection of jewelry buried with Queen Ahhotep of the early 18th dynasty includes many unusual designs; her gold chain is a masterpiece. Much fine 18th-dynasty jewelry has survived, but all is dominated by that of Tutankhamun. This huge collection demonstrates all the techniques of the goldsmith’s and the lapidary’s arts.
Copper and bronze
The techniques of metalworking were probably introduced into Egypt from the Middle East at a very early date. At first copper was most commonly used; but from at least the late 3rd millennium it was often alloyed with tin, as bronze.
The skill and artistry of the metalworker is shown in the fine bowls, jugs, and other vessels from all periods and in statues and statuettes of gods, kings, and ordinary mortals. Most vessels were made by raising from metal ingots beaten on wooden anvils. In the Late period many vessels were produced by casting. Huge situlae, vessels used for carrying sacred liquids, are often decorated with scenes and inscriptions.
The earliest and largest metal figure from Egypt is the life-size statue of Pepi I made of copper plates fitted to a wooden core; the plates were probably beaten, not cast. Casting in open molds was developed early for tools and weapons, but the lost-wax process (cire-perdue), using closed molds, was not employed until the Middle Kingdom. Even in the 18th dynasty the casting of bronze figures occurred only on a relatively small scale.
The casting of large-scale bronze figures achieved its highest point in the late New Kingdom down to the 25th dynasty. The outstanding example from this period is the figure of Karomama. The exceptionally elegant modeling of the female form is greatly enriched by inlays of gold and silver reproducing the feathered pattern of the gown and an elaborate collar of floral motifs.
In the Late period huge numbers of excellent castings of conventional sacred figures and animals were produced. The so-called Gayer-Anderson cat is technically and artistically without peer.
Gold and silver
Gold was more easily obtainable in ancient Egypt than silver and was therefore less valuable (until the late New Kingdom). Gold was also easier to work and unaffected by environmental conditions. In consequence, many more gold than silver objects have survived.
Apart from jewelry, gold was lavishly used for many decorative purposes as thin sheet, leaf, and inlay, in funerary equipment, and for vessels and furniture. The range of uses is best exemplified in the objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun.
The gold-plated, gold-inlaid furniture of Queen Hetepheres of 4th-dynasty date reveals how early Egyptian craftspeople mastered the working of gold. Gold vessels have rarely survived, but those from the royal burials of Tanis preserve styles and techniques that go back to the traditions of the New Kingdom and earlier. Gold statuettes also are rare, but again, surviving examples, such as the magnificent falcon head of a cult statue of 6th-dynasty date from Hierakonpolis and the divine triad of Osiris, Isis, and Horus of the 22nd dynasty, show the achievements of early and late times.
In a hoard of precious vessels found at Bubastis and dated to the 19th dynasty, there were three silver pieces of exceptional interest, in particular a jug whose handle is of gold and in the shape of a goat. Greater availability of silver in later times is demonstrated by two massive silver coffins and a number of vessels in the royal burials at Tanis.
The wooden sculpture of the Old Kingdom shows the carver of wood at his most skillful and sensitive. But it is in the field of cabinetmaking that the ancient woodworker excelled. Best known are the many chairs, tables, stools, beds, and chests found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. Many of the designs are exceptionally practical and elegant. Techniques of inlay, veneering, and marquetry are completely mastered. One chest is veneered with strips of ivory and inlaid with 33,000 small pieces of ivory and ebony. Fine furniture was being produced in very early times, as is confirmed by the skillfully restored furniture from the secondary burial of Hetepheres.
Among the most charming and delicate products of the Egyptian woodworker are the many toilet spoons and containers in the form of graceful swimming girls, lute players in the marshes, and fishes and animals. At the other extreme, nothing is more remarkable than the great boat, more than 140 feet (43 meters) long, found in a trench by the side of the Great Pyramid.
Ivory and bone
Of the few small ivory figurines to have survived from pharaonic times, two royal representations found in the Early Dynastic temple at Abydos are outstanding. There can be little doubt, in spite of the paucity of survivals, that fine decorative objects of ivory were made at all periods. A gazelle and a grasshopper of the 18th dynasty may truly be described as objets de vertu. Many fine examples of the use of ivory were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, from simple geometric marquetry patterns to box panels carved with exquisitely informal scenes of the king with his queen.