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Romanian literature of the 20th century was rooted in the traditions of the 19th. Important figures spanned both centuries, and the genres, literary groups, and methods of criticism they established in the 19th century continued into the 20th. For example, Junimea (“Youth”), the literary circle Titu Maiorescu founded in 1863, reacted against the prevailing interest in literary form at the expense of content and pointed toward a later reassessment of the uses of literature. Playwright Ion Luca Caragiale died in 1912 but was relevant to the 20th century as the creator of Romanian social comedy. His satirical sketches are more than mere criticisms of contemporary conditions; they provide a description of the Romanian national character and the Balkan attitudes of the period. Similarly, Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea created the historical national drama that played such an important role in the formation of national identity throughout the 20th century. Moses Gaster pioneered modern Romanian folklore research.
Literary movements of eastern and western Europe at the beginning of the century were reflected in Romania. The social and political ideology of the periodical Viaƫa Româneascǎ (“Romanian Life”) (1901) was similar to that of the Russian Narodniki, members of a movement known as narodnichestvo (“populism”) that was centred on awakening the peasantry to the ills of autocratic power. The critic Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea’s theories followed Karl Marx, although Western Modernism also influenced Romanian writers. Ovid Densuşianu clearly followed Symbolism, as did the poets Ion Minulescu and George Bacovia, while Impressionism was taken up by the literary critic Eugen Lovinescu and the poet Nicolae Davidescu, whose epic Cântecul omului (1928–37; “The Song of Man”) aimed at re-creating world history.
Between the wars
In the period of national unity following World War I, the novel began to compete with lyrical poetry. Writers took inspiration from society or recent events, principally the war. Liviu Rebreanu wrote about the peasants’ difficult lot and the need for the redistribution of land; Răscoala (1932; The Uprising) described the Romanian peasant uprising of 1907. His best work, Pădurea spînzuraƫilor (1922; The Forest of the Hanged), was inspired by his brother’s fate during World War I. In it, he describes the tragedy of a Romanian soldier forced to turn against his own people as a member of the Austro-Hungarian army. He tries to flee but is caught and hanged as a deserter.
This relationship between war and the individual, as well as the struggle of intellectuals caught up in the pressure of historical events, provides the material for Camil Petrescu’s great novel Ultima noapte de dragoste, întîia noapte de război (1930; “The Last Night of Love, the First Night of War”), as well as for a number of Cezar Petrescu’s novels and even some of Ion Minulescu’s poems. Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu’s trilogy of novels (Fecioarele despletite [1926; “Disheveled Virgins”], Concert din muzică de Bach [1927; “A Bach Concert”], and Drumul ascuns [1933; “The Hidden Way”]) is a document of changing lifestyles and urbanization, similar to the writings of novelist Ionel Teodoreanu. Victor Popa wrote about rural subjects, while G.M. Zamfirescu’s protagonists were typical Bucharest citizens, and D.D. Pătrăscanu wittily described political life.
The leading writer of this period was Mihail Sadoveanu, who, together with I.A. Brătescu-Voineşti, represented a link with the older generation of Romanian authors. Sadoveanu wrote about the historical role of the peasantry and an almost mythologized village life, as well as about the peasants’ adoption of a modern lifestyle. He remains arguably the most important Romanian historical novelist of the 20th century.
Scholars, philosophers, critics, and translators also made contributions to the literary and intellectual life of the period. The archaeologist Vasile Pârvan commemorated the sacrifices of the war generation in Parentalia (1922); the historian and politician Nicolae Iorga founded literary periodicals and a people’s university (an adult education centre unaffiliated with the Romanian general educational system), wrote literary works, and was a great influence on the development of a national identity; the geographer Simion Mehedinƫi edited a journal and published bucolic short stories; and Dimitrie Gusti established a school of sociology that had a decidedly nationalistic and village-centred disposition. Poet and essayist Lucian Blaga attempted to provide a philosophical foundation for the description of Romanian national characteristics, partly determined by geographical conditions, while Gala Galaction translated the Bible and wrote novels on biblical subjects.
Lyrical poetry of a considerable stylistic variety became the leading genre in Romanian literature after World War I. The diversity of styles can be illustrated by Nichifor Crainic’s religious traditionalist tendency, the programmatic esoterica of Ion Barbu (who was also an internationally renowned mathematician), the influence of French and German lyric poetry on Ion Pillat, and the bitter Symbolist poetry of George Bacovia. After Eminescu, who remained influential throughout the 20th century, it was Tudor Arghezi who brought about a real rejuvenation in Romanian lyric poetry. In his poems language acquires an exceptional expressiveness and harmony, and the traits of Symbolism and philosophical aspirations reach their high point. Of his volumes of poetry, Cuvinte potrivite (1927; “Suitable Words”), Flori de mucigai (1931; “Flowers of Mold”), and Cărticică de Seară (1935; “Booklet for the Evening”) are especially notable.
Influenced by the experimental prose writer Urmuz, Saşa Pană, Ion Vinea, and Gellu Naum were members of an avant-garde movement that became an important feature of Romanian literature. However, this did not prevent many of its exponents from emigrating: Ilarie Voronca, Benjamin Fondane, Tristan Tzara, and especially Eugène Ionesco established reputations as writers in France. Two notable emigrant writers who began their careers on the far right of the political spectrum rose to prominence in post-World War I Western intellectual life: Emil Cioran, writer of pessimistic aphorism, and Mircea Eliade, a leading figure in comparative religious history.