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- major reference
- In South Asian arts: Ḥaju and shahr-āshūb
Less ornate, if not less elaborate, and more edifying are the ḥaju (derogatory verses, personal and otherwise) and the shahr-āshūb (poems lamenting the decline or destruction of a city). They provide useful information about the mores and morals of the period from…
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- form of satire
- In satire: The satiric spirit
In the Arabic poetic tradition, hijāʾ (“lampooning”) has been present since the tradition’s earliest days. Such satires could be hurtful, if not fatal, and were easily weaponized; the poet could lead his people into battle, hurling his verses as he would hurl a spear. Early Irish literature is laced with…
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- tradition of shāʿir
use in
- Arabic literature
- In Arabic literature: Genres and themes
…period; second, praise’s opposite—lampoon (hijāʾ)—whereby the poet would be expected to take verbal aim at the community’s enemies and impugn their honour (most often at the expense of women); and third, praise of the dead, or elegy (rithāʾ).
Read More - In Arabic literature: Lampoon
The themes of hijāʾ (“lampooning”) and fakhr (“boasting”) thus often occur together, and poets noted above for their contributions to the panegyric were equally at home with the lampoon. Al-Mutanabbī, in particular, is also famous for his withering attacks on Abū al-Misk Kāfūr, the enslaved Ethiopian who was…
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- qaṣīdah