Ancient Rome, which had brought its culture to other parts of Europe and to northern Africa and southwestern Asia, began to lose its vitality in the early Christian era; by the end of the 4th century ce, its civilization was in full decline. Although its power was gone, Roman culture was indelibly imprinted on Western civilization. The Roman Empire had embraced Christianity, although in reality it was the papacy that had embraced the Roman Empire. The intention of the Byzantine court (at Constantinople [now Istanbul], the new seat of imperial power) to maintain Roman supremacy in the field of the arts was forced to give way to a style more closely related to that of the Middle East. Partly for religious reasons, this style soon developed a new spirit and its own distinctive characteristics. The wave of iconoclasm—the controversy in the 8th and 9th centuries about the depiction of images in religious art—gave the decoration of jewelry, too, a basically ornamental nature, in which the techniques used to the greatest extent were filigree, opus interassile, and enameling, as well as the copious application of precious stones and pearls. Very complex decorations and arabesques were obtained with filigree, while enameling was favoured for representations of flowers and birds. Typically Byzantine were the half-moon-shaped earrings that were in wide use up through the 12th century. There are examples with pierced decoration, with filigree basketwork, and with the figures of enameled birds facing each other on a golden half-moon. The court jewels, if credit can be given to the figures shown in the mosaics in the church of San Vitale at Ravenna, must have been of astonishing splendour. Although the mosaics give only a sketchy idea, on the figures of Justinian, Theodora, and their retinue, precious ornaments can be distinguished that were of ceremonial magnificence suited to their rank.
For all practical purposes, Constantinople’s artistic activities came to an end when it was conquered and looted during the Fourth Crusade in 1204.
After the Arab conquest of Iran brought it into the Islamic community of peoples, rings, pendants, earrings, and necklaces of gold continued to be worn, and the Iranian tradition of animal art persisted, modified to some extent in order to conform to the canons of Islam, which forbade the making of images. A 12th-century gold pendant in the form of a lion is a highly schematic rendering of this animal; it is decorated with granulation. Other techniques were filigree, encrustation with precious and semiprecious stones, and the use of niello. From the 14th century onward, manuscript illustrations give some idea of the kind of jewelry worn by Persians. In Mongol and Timurid times, jeweled coiffures for women and diademed headdresses for men seem to have been fashionable in court circles. Under the Ṣafavid rulers, jewelry became more sumptuous and elaborate. In the 19th century, native traditions were altered by European influence, often with an eye toward European consumption. Traditional designs, however, have persisted in Zīnjanāb and among the Kurdish mountaineers of northwest Iran. Silver decorated with twisted wire arranged in scrolls is a feature of the former. The Kurdish goldsmiths also work in silver, which they decorate with chased or repoussé designs, sometimes reminiscent of motifs found on Sāsānian metalwork.
Jewelry worn by men and women in Turkey during the Ottoman period was probably influenced by the fashions current in Iran. Objects of adornment were jeweled turban aigrettes, rings, earrings, necklaces, and armlets. A technique popular in Turkey from the 16th century onward was the encrusting of jade and other hard stones with jewels attached to the surface by delicate floral scrolls in gold. Unfortunately, not many surviving pieces are earlier than the 19th century, when native tradition had been supplanted by a taste for Rococo jewelry.
In North Africa an independent tradition has been maintained by the Amazigh and Arab tribes. In design the jewelry of southern Morocco shows curious analogies to Byzantine jewelry—heavy silver plaques decorated with niello or cabochons that serve as diadems or headbands. In other parts of Morocco and in Algeria and Tunisia, popular forms of jewelry are headbands, breast ornaments, brooches, pendants, and a characteristic triangular-shaped shawl pin.
While in the Byzantine area classic forms of expression were being wiped out by the development of a skillful class of artisans who impressed their entirely ornamental taste on jewelry produced solely for decorative purposes, in the rest of Romanized Europe a huge complex movement of peoples was taking place. Bringing their tradition of polychrome decoration with them, these peoples swarmed over the old declining Greek-Roman artistic civilization. Goths, Vandals, Huns, Franks, and Lombards emigrated, extending their conquests into central, northern, and southern Europe beginning in the 4th century ce, and they remained there until the 9th century. In accordance with an ancient definition, they were called barbarians—that is, not Christians but foreigners. They also were considered barbarians because they were thought to have destroyed the Classical art of the Roman world.
Throughout all the provinces of the Roman Empire, these Teutonic tribes produced gold ware that shared a common well-defined style moderated according to the tastes of the particular regions in which they settled. The blend of Teutonic and Iranian, Scythian, Sarmatian, or Celtic styles produced ornaments that bore little resemblance to those of the great Classical tradition. Precious ornamentation, which represented the main artistic ambition of these nomadic peoples, was achieved with faience (decoration made of opaque coloured glazes), jewels, and enamels. Dominant also was braiding, which was done with strips of embossing, with bands of stones or enamel set in bezels, and also with filigree.
There was a highly varied production of fibulae. One of the most impressive for its size (14 inches [35.56 cm]) is the one in the shape of a bird found in Pietroasa, Romania (National Museum of History, Bucharest), whose body is covered with sockets of different sizes and shapes in which stones and enamel were meant to be set. The most widely used type of fibula was the so-called buckler variety, with a fan head, arched bridge, and flat or molded foot, with pierced work in various shapes. Equally common were disk fibulae, either flat or with concentric embossing, while S-shaped fibulae and belt buckles were rarer.
Rigid necklaces, made up of several circles with much decoration, were typical. The most magnificent examples are those from the 6th century from Alleberg and Färjestaden, Sweden (Museum of National Antiquities, Stockholm). A ring with zoomorphic braiding (Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan) was found in the same region. This technique was most widely used in the Celtic and northern Germanic regions of Europe, while in the British Isles, to judge from the magnificent jewels in the Sutton Hoo burial-ship treasure, it was the technique of enameling that reached extremely high levels. In northern Europe and Scandinavia the main gold-working techniques were filigree, embossing, and turning on a lathe.
As time passed, the different products of gold-working art in Romanized Europe took on a more definite stylistic identification according to the various races and locations.
Western European
The widespread adoption of Christian burial rites put an end to the custom of burying the dead with all their jewelry. Thus, beginning with the 8th century, almost the only important gold products handed down to modern times were those preserved in abbey and cathedral treasures or by imperial and royal courts; among these gold products are very few pieces of jewelry. As the graphic and plastic arts gradually developed, however, they documented the jewelry in use at the time. According to these sources, little jewelry was worn in the Romanesque period (c. 950–c. 1150).
In the 11th century, monastic workshops for the service of the church began to decline, disappearing one after another to be replaced by secular workshops. Gold-working activities in western Europe gradually freed themselves from the centralizing patronage of the church in order to serve the numerous courts and noble families, and in the 12th century the first goldsmiths’ guilds were organized.
One of the most widely used ornaments in medieval Europe was the ring. To it was attributed ever more symbolic and religious value, as well as ever greater importance as a talisman, good omen, and sign of office, and, as always, it served as a seal.
Another widely used ornament was the brooch. Most popular was the medallion type, which might be round, star-shaped, or pentagonal, while the diamond shape was less common. Ring brooches, which were open in the centre, also were popular. They took many forms, including round, pentagonal, and star-, heart-, or wheel-shaped. One outstanding bejeweled and enameled example—the Founder’s Jewel bequeathed by William of Wykeham to New College, University of Oxford, in 1404—is in the shape of the letter M. The arches formed by the letter resemble Gothic windows, reflecting the importance of architectural elements in all forms of art at this time. Standing in the windows are the expertly modeled figures of the Virgin Mary and the Angel of the Annunciation, and the whole is surmounted by a crown.
Another fine example that typifies the plastic decorative repertory of the Gothic style is a silver belt buckle from Sweden (Historical Museum, Stockholm). Modeled in high relief on the buckle plate is a gentleman on horseback approaching a lady followed by his servant. The three-lobed buckle ring is modeled in a complex design that includes a seated person and a man kneeling in front of him (c. 1340).