recitativo accompagnato
Also known as: accompanied recitative, recitativo stromentato
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In recitative
The second variety, recitativo stromentato, or accompanied recitative, has stricter rhythm and more involved, often orchestral accompaniment. Used at dramatically important moments, it is more emotional in character. Its vocal line is more melodic, and typically it leads into a formal aria.
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comparison to recitativo secco
- In Western music: Neapolitan opera
…accompanied by the continuo, and recitativo accompagnato, or stromentato, accompanied by the orchestra, and, second, the establishment of the Italian overture. Called a sinfonia, the overture in three parts (fast–slow–fast) evolved into the symphony during the 18th century. Alessandro Scarlatti was the most influential of the early Neapolitan operatic composers.
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